Linda H. Brady, RN, Ph.D., Drake University Kathryn Henry, Ph.D., LMT, OBT James R Luth, 11, LMT, OBT, EMT T'he Shiatsu Clinic and School - Kimberly K. Casper-Bruett, MSN Winterset Iowa Community School System
Lower back pain is a health problem that has assumed epidemic levels in the U.S.: Nearly 80% of adults suffer at least once in a lifetime of back pain, which is why main of medical visits, hospitalization and disability in the workplace. Despite the variety
of treatments and medications available, no conventional treatment for all possible choices has been documented as effective on back pain. Sarno (1998) argues that the annual cost for medical care el'inabilità-related back pain will soon reach 50 billion dollars just in the U.S.. Since conventional medical practice can not cope with such a large percentage of adults with this problem, those who suffer from back pain are turning to alternative or complementary therapies to relieve pain and inconvenience associated (Deyo, 1998). In the United States use at least once, a complementary therapy increased from 33.8% in 1990 to 42.1% of the population in 1997, and the massage is to be among the most successful therapies (Eisenberg et al, 1998).
Lower back pain is a health problem that has assumed epidemic levels in the U.S.: Nearly 80% of adults suffer at least once in a lifetime of back pain, which is why main of medical visits, hospitalization and disability in the workplace. Despite the variety
Shiatsu has been used in this study on a sample of 66 individuals with low back pain. Each of the subjects was measured by the level of anxiety and pain before and after four shiatsu treatments. Each of them was heard two days after each treatment and were asked to quantify the level of pain. Both pain and anxiety decreased significantly during the study. The extraneous variables such as sex, age, type of therapy, how long the pain persisted and the drugs taken, significatamene did not alter the results. These subjects would recommend today shiatsu massage to those who suffer from back pain and have clearly indicated that the treatments have alleviated all the major problems experienced with low back pain "The complementary and alternative therapies listed in the U.S. for back pain include, in addition to shiatsu, as methods the different types of acupressure and massage for therapeutic purposes (Astin, Marie, Pefletier, Hansen, & Haskell, 1998; Drivdahl & Miser, 1998, Eisenberg and others, 1998). Ferrell-Torry and Glick (1993) had already investigated the use of therapeutic massage to alleviate anxiety and pain in cancer patients. The method of Spielberger (1983) was used to measure anxiety and a similar scale was used to measure the perceived pain. Therapeutic massage consisted of effleurage practice (touch), petrissage (kneading) and myofascial therapy on trigger points for 30 minutes two nights later for nine clients. Signs of pain and anxiety were measured before and after each of the two treatments. Massage therapy significantly reduced levels of pain and anxiety.
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