Sunday, December 28, 2008

Invitation Card Matter Of Lohri

'myofunctional THERAPY?

The TMF and 'a particular form of physical therapy directed at rehabilitation of swallowing incorrect and the rebalancing of the oro-facial muscles often associated. The term was coined by A. Lischer in 1912, but to reach the modern conception must get to work by Daniel Garliner that, in addition to the schematic of the exercises used in rehabilitation treatment, founded in the early sixties, the Institute for Therapy myofunctional Coral Gables, Florida, and the "Myofunctional Therapy Association of America," which has been the benchmark and beacon for myofunctional therapists from around the world. Over the years we have realized that this therapy, initially aimed at the prevention of relapse after orthodontic treatment, proved very useful as a complement to speech therapy and, above all, to solve problems never before made in connection with it . In fact, Spread across the regularization of the pressure intraoral has shown itself capable of eliminating problems of an otolaryngologist, such as recurrent ear infections and their complications such as peripheral hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, etc. At the same time, through the restoration of nasal breathing, has shown itself able to reverse the adenoid and tonsil inflammation. Even the digestive tract suffers the beneficial effects of rehabilitation of swallowing through the disappearance of bloating, characteristic of swallowing incorrect, and through the regularization of intestinal motility. The latest research was then intended to study the benefits on the general posture and changes of the plantar stance that the rehabilitation of swallowing and balance muscle manage to get connected in a very short time to time, and to 'study the correlation between tongue function and hormonal problems and already can see a new frontier, that of relations between language and brain function.


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