Friday, December 19, 2008

Significance Of Driedmango


Today, the body has lost much of its value: we live in a society where appearance counts for a lot more than being and where constant attention aesthetic and super-strenuanti workouts, put a strain on the health, strength and well-being of our body!
The sacred temple of our soul, which has always celebrated and consecrated in Ere very far apart, has now become a mere business card in a world of artificial beauty and sick.
mistreated in any way and without restraint from fashion, entertainment and marketing, drained of every human resource, we have made it untouchable and suffering . We are disconnected from the body and root of our being here and now to live a life of ideas, thoughts, worries and illusions. We have lost touch with ourselves, with our body and the ability to hear our needs, we have lost the will and desire to move and experience the body as children, we have lost the pleasure of moving, forcing bodily and mental infirmity. So we created our misery and our sickness. Today we are accustomed to working alone and too much with the mind, our jobs are more sedentary, the body with its needs into the background and we are not able to bring to our lives movement to balance mental work with a proper physical work .
The movement of the body is not separated from that of the mind , joint flexibility is not foreign to the mind, the well-being that can be achieved through a healthy movement is reflected on our mental well-being ... the 'Human beings are not only the body as not only the mind, therefore, is to restore to us the right balance, balancing the physical training to mental training and vice versa.


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