Monday, December 29, 2008

How To Make Mochi In Bread Machine


Mantenersi in forma, recuperare il benessere e, perché no, predisporsi alla longevità?
Per la tradizione cinese è possibile farlo studiando e praticando il Qi Gong.
Questa antichissima disciplina ci aiuta quando siamo affaticati, quando non riusciamo a dormire bene, quando abbiamo troppa fame o siamo inappetenti. Se praticato con assiduità, come una vera e propria ginnastica dolce, il Qi Gong a poco a poco rimodella il nostro fisico, tonifica muscles, improves our posture, relieves the joints can ease our tensions. Qi Gong is thus a real path to prosperity that also passes through the peace of mind, obtained by relaxing the body and controlling your breathing.
Qi Gong is a Chinese discipline and physical training of the mind. Through practice, allows you to control the vital forces present in each of us and allows us to achieve a perfect balance, as well as help build a harmonious relationship with the environment around us.
This discipline is practiced by millions of people in the East and is increasingly popular in the West. This is a complex of physical techniques, whose mental and breathing exercises based on movements and postures, always involve an emotional and sensory. It keeps the mind as active and focused, with a breathing technique combined with meditation and relaxation, which corrects posture, improves breathing and gives serenity to the spirit.
There are over 3,000 varieties of Qi Gong and five major traditions: the Taoist, the Buddhist, the Confucian, medical Qi Gong and the martial. Created to improve the quality of life, Qi Gong also deals with an important position in Chinese erotic arts. Currently, Qi Gong can be applied alongside the other specialties of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the world - Italy included - is studied by western medicine, which sometimes uses it as a technique for clinical support.
Qi Gong is energy for body and soul: You can tune with themselves, stimulate the inner path, enter the "state of Qi Gong" as a personal and individual, to act with intention, understanding the Traditional Medicine China.
The basic theoretical assumption of Qi Gong comes from the concept of "energy" or "natural powers" (san cai) contained the Y Jing (Book of the Mutants), the reference text of the entire Chinese thought: the three "powers "I am the sky (tian), Man (Ren) and Terra (a) and the purpose of Qi Gong and to harmonize these three "energy" between them. Qi Gong studies and applies a series of breathing techniques ("Tuna"), relaxation ("Fangsong gong"), manuals (Tuina), gymnastics (Daoyin) and concentration techniques ("Neiyang gong") .
Qi Gong helps us to feel, to convey and make better use of the vital energy: Through this discipline we can come to a deeper contact with ourselves, finding the balance between body and mind and avoiding any heavy physical, and emotional energy. Through movement, body positions, breathing, concentration of thought Qi Gong allows us to achieve our goal: the physical and mental wellbeing.
Qigong uses:
. breathing techniques ("Tuna")
. relaxation techniques ("Fangsong gong")
. techniques of gymnastics (Daoyin)
. technical manuals (Tuina)
. concentration techniques ("Neiyang gong")
Qi Gong is a set of technical bio-energy in China, namely on the energy that allows the body's vital processes. The term "Qi Gong" is composed of two words "Qi" (energy) and "Gong" (work). Literally, it means, then, "energy work".


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