Sunday, December 28, 2008

Make Your Own Pond Vacuum


1. Never keep your wallet in the back pocket of his trousers or skirt would be "hub" for your reservoir that could "hang"!
2. Always practice physical activity and overweight too careful.
3. place the car seat, you should not have structural problems properly, so as to assume a comfortable position with legs semiflexed.
4. When you make long trips, stop every two hours and take a relaxing stroll.
5. When you stay in feet still alternating the load on both legs. When "stretched" get yourself a stool (but you can also just a shoe box) of 10-15 cm on which to place either the foot or alternatively enlarged feet.
6. When transporting weights try to distribute the load on both arms.
7. When you lift weights you stay with your back straight and bending your legs rise up after having approached the weight of the foot as much as possible.
8. When moving large objects (eg cabinet) do with pushing back.
9. When sitting keep your back straight without being with the neck bent and legs crossed.
10. The height of the work to be seated according to the height must be varied according to the following (in brackets the height of the table): 1.65 (80) 1.70 (82) 1.75 (84); 1.80 (86) 1.85 (88) 1.90 (90).
11. The height of the standing work must be varied according to your height, according to the following schedule: 1.65 (103), 1.70 (105) 1.75 (107) 1.80 (110) 1.85 (13), 1.90 (115).
12. Better-loading washing machine from above. The front-loading washing machine is lifted from the floor about 50 cm to prevent flexing, Or, when empty the washing machine, get on my knees.
13. plans of the kitchen, are generally 86 cm in height, size is not optimal for maintaining correct upright posture: they must be tailored to your needs.
14. The oven should always be removed from the block of the stove and placed at 1 m height.
15. The lower part of the furniture must have sufficient space to allow the front foot forward, avoiding standing postures tilted forward.
16. bathroom sinks were always positioned at 84cm in height: it serves the infamous shot of the witch, in the morning when you wash your face at the time of rectification: it takes at least 94 cm of departure, will be used for children a wooden platform.
17. The beds are so low because everyone wanted the furniture industry: it is advisable to use duvets to ensure that in carrying out household chores you have to work too down. Better would be to raise the bed up to 80 cm for two reasons: you get up and sit better and refers back to the bed protected.
18. Are to avoid the beds too soft or too hard and the boards of chipboard why not leave
breathe and are not very elastic.
19. When you go to bed at night to remove all metals (rings, necklaces, watches ...) in order to avoid microgalvanic: real electric currents in metals that can cause muscle spasms and insomnia.
20. get out of bed carefully, sitting down first and then rising slowly, pivoting on his hands to avoid the "lumbago".
21. When remake the bed resting on the knee of the leg nearest to the bed on the bed so as to pivot on that and not on the lumbar spine.
22. not watch television or read in bed with the head remaining flexed to avoid overloading the cervical vertebrae.
23. The footwear worn soles must always be intact and symmetrical, especially the inner sole in transverse direction, must be completely flat (especially important for children, they should have flat feet up to four - five years!): If you this one up (see picture above), usually internal, cut with a knife or just remove the insole.
24. When you buy the shoes do not limit yourself to the "same size" (adaptation of the foot to the shoe and not vice versa) but you find the right shoe for you put your foot on it.
25. For sports is extremely important to remove any slab "die" or "anatomical" as it will create a "blindness" to the sole sensory that affect the body image affecting the muscle performance and thus performance.
26. The handle of the broom and the mop floor needs to be extended to 1.80 m approx.
27. Warning to air conditioning in cars and environments: never directed against your body and do not overdo it ... with the cold.
28. not ever stay with clenched teeth, not biting their nails, suck pens, chewing his lip: this creates unnecessary and damaging contractions.
29. Maintain good oral hygiene by contacting your dentist at the slightest problem.
30. Remember that nature gives you all the teeth and for 24 hours a day and let everyone put their teeth missing and never remove the dentures at night. The lack of teeth and swallowing are impaired due to deterioration of your postural syndrome.
31. Take the dentures relined every Renew it every 2 years and 5: the reduction in the height of the denture pushing the head forward overloading the neck.

For your children:
avoid pacifier use: an anatomical and possibly choose not to drop does not "train" the language incorrectly. The language should normally focus on the palate behind the upper teeth: in this way facilitate the speech, swallowing, breathing, normal shape of the mouth and jaws, the attitude of the head
never pierce the nipple intention of "feeding the child better or faster, to avoid the small risk of defending itself from" drowning in milk "pushing the tongue in the wrong way to fill the hole too big
purchased shoes with interior devoid of any upward: the feet up to 4 - 5 years should be flat so do not worry: it will be in subsequent years (up to 8-9 years), with the maturation of the nervous system, the foot will take its own shape
any before and after orthodontic treatment always require a control of the speech pathologist and physician in charge Posture of
avoid walker, which blasts the "critical step in crawling and train the child in the wrong phase of the step
avoid the box, forcing the child , neglect by the outside world, to rise on tiptoe in incorrect attitude
encourage crawling and let the little bare feet as much as possible (preferably on non-smooth)
H. contact the doctor who takes care of Posture if this had scoliosis, a problem the support of the feet, learning difficulties and / or reading, headache evening


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