Sunday, December 28, 2008

How Much Do Dealers Save At A Dealer Auction


Swallowing incorrect is certainly the scope of fundamental TMF.
This is a very common disease, whose onset is due to anatomical problems occur (such as short lingual frenum or macroglossia), problems with delivery of the hypoglossal nerve compression or edema joideo (cord cord coiled around his neck), but mainly for functional problems such as breast-feeding with artificial methods (use of bottles and teats traditional), which currently constitutes the most frequent cause numerically, the use of pacifiers and bad habits like thumb sucking.
Whatever the cause, effects that may occur are very numerous and can affect many organs and systems.
The most obvious concern is, of course, that to which the stomato-gnatico, out of which you can detect open or covered with bite malocclusion, transverse deficiency of the palate, dental crowding or the presence of diastema. A narrow palate, in turn, affects the respiratory function for nasal breathing difficulties, caused by the increased resistance the passage of air through the nasal choanae and restricted the accumulation of mucus does not flow away from the plane. This gives the appearance of hypertrophy of adenoids and tonsils. Often, the increase in air pressure that occurs in the nasopharynx during swallowing act, there is also involvement of the ear, with stagnation of mucus in the middle ear to the difficulty of drainage through the Eustachian tube, a tendency to recurrent otitis with damages of up to real peripheral hearing loss.
To return to the teeth, periodontal disease many recognize as the main reason boost lingual and frequently excessive pressure exerted by the tongue on the teeth leads to bone loss or prevent periodontal healing after any type of intervention.
incorrect swallowing has also influence on bloating and digestive problems resulting from the so-called bolus hysterical (which is the result of a muscle imbalance spread to the pharynx).
Another area affected is postural. The position of the tongue is able to influence the 'attitude of the spine that is the' arch support, through a reflex mechanism. At the level of the spot of the lingual taste buds were found in fact as many as five types of esterocettori involved in the control of posture.
A final segment in recent years of research is very innovative with an interest relationship between the function and the lingual controlled by the pituitary hormone, which can give an explanation, for example, hormonal disorders resulting from orthodontic treatment or those that are corrected so involotario restoring proper occlusion and a normal swallowing. It 'just in recent months the interest in the relationship between swallowing and the functioning of certain brain structures.


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