Sunday, December 28, 2008

How To Relax Turbulence

Melatonin is a molecule present in all living organisms, from single-celled creatures to man.
is therefore one of the few components, such as cholesterol, which are the basis of life processes.
As you might expect, in the human melatonin has several important properties , still known only in part. It is basically a modulator of circadian rhythms is that the various systems, especially the immune and autonomic nervous. The body has many rhythms that govern its operation. The rhythms are fundamental to the point that according to many concepts, such as
Bioresonance e la fisica moderna, tutti i fenomeni sono riconducibili a combinazioni di frequenze (altro modo per definire i ritmi). Un ritmo molto importante è quello circadiano (circa-giornaliero) che tra l’altro regola l’alternanza sonno veglia.
Non c’è dubbio che il sonno sia un meccanismo fondamentale nel mantenere la salute, e la ricerca ha dimostrato che basta perderne qualche ora per avere una drastica diminuzione dell’azione del sistema immunitario (in particolare delle diminuzione dei linfociti circolanti).
La melatonina è un ormone, perché viene prodotta da una ghiandola endocrina, la pineale (epifisi).
Naturalmente, come taught by the
psychoneuroimmunology , this is just one aspect of its function. Indeed, it has a key role in the immune system, which has a strong effect of rebalancing.
acting as an antagonist of the excess cortisol has an important anti-stress action
. And distress , as we have seen, is an important factor in all diseases, from cardiovascular, cancer, mental disorders from the common cold, disease, autoimmune premature aging.
also acts as an antioxidant and as anti-inflammatory.
oxidation processes will be discussed in future, for now we say they are a very powerful tool of the immune system that serves to destroy pathogens that attack the cells (such as cancer and viruses).
This can be done only by destroying infected cells. The
oxidants (free radicals) have precisely this function, and when they go out of control (which is the norm in our society of pollution), they destroy healthy tissue and cause damage and aging.
From an energy standpoint it is significant that melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, which is linked to the capacity to keep the peace, to see things clearly and to adapt to the rhythms of nature.


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