We can assume that the theory of Yin and Yang is a way of reading the physical reality, on this basis we can attempt to bring the insights Taoist (the theory in question is part Taoist doctrine, developed by the philosopher Laozi in the sixth century BC.) to the path taken by Western physics to this day. Briefly summarize the concepts and the historical evolution of physics and see how Western modern physicists have come as a "point of arrival" to the acquisitions that have been the insight to start del pensiero taoista.
All'inizio di questo secolo, la teoria atomica fu come un terremoto che sgretolò i fondamenti della concezione del mondo su cui si basava la Fisica; a tale proposito possiamo citare: Werner Heisenberg : "...questa volta hanno incominciato a cedere i fondamenti stessi della fisica; questo movimento ha prodotto la sensazione che sarebbe stata tagliata la base su cui poggiava la scienza.
Albert Einstein: "Tutti i miei tentativi di adattare i fondamenti teorici della fisica a queste nuove acquisizioni fallirono completamente.
Niels Bohr: " The enormous expansion of our experience in recent years has highlighted the inadequacy of our naïve mechanistic conceptions and, therefore, has shaken the foundations on which rested the ordinary interpretation of the observed phenomena.
It was therefore a cultural revolution that marked the transition from "classical physics" to "modern physics. The basics of classical Newtonian physics were:
- three-dimensional space of Euclidean geometry, absolute, still motionless and unchanging (Newton: "The absolute space, by its nature without relation to anything external, remains always similar and immovable ");
- time, size separated on the basis of which they had described all the changes that occur in the physical world, and also absolutely no connection with the world material that flowed smoothly from past to future (Newton);
- the elements that moved in this space and in this time were absolute material particles including the acting force of gravity.
In Newtonian mechanics all physical events are reduced to the motion of particles in space, motion caused by their mutual attraction that is the force of gravity.
"The mathematical equations of Newton on the motion of bodies are the basis of classical mechanics, they were regarded as immutable laws under which they move the material points, and then explained that they could explain all the observed changes in physical world. "(F. Capra, The Tao of Physics).
beginning of the 900 Einstein's theory of relativity gave the concept of absolute space is understood as usual scenario of physical phenomena, both the concept of absolute time, space and time become only elements of language that an observer uses to describe the phenomena from their point of vista. La forza di gravità, secondo la teoria di Einstein ha l'effetto di curvare lo spazio ed il tempo; l'ordinaria geometria euclidea non è più valida in uno spazio curvo così come la geometria bidimensionale non è più valida su di una superficie sferica. Lo spazio tridimensionale è effettivamente curvo e la curvatura è causata dal campo gravitazionale dei corpi dotati di massa. Queste nuove concezioni portarono dopo circa venti anni all'elaborazione dei modelli matematici della teoria quantistica; la materia e l'energia sono strettamente connesse e le particelle subatomiche non hanno significato come realtà isolate ma solo in quanto interconnesse. La meccanica quantistica rivela una fondamentale unità dell'universo: non we decompose the world into small units with independent existence, if we enter into the matter, we find no "fundamental building block" but a complex web of relationships between the various parts of the tutto.La theory of relativity showed that the mass has nothing to do with any substance but it is a form of energy, which implies that any particle can not be regarded as a static object but it should be understood as a configuration dinamica.Nella modern physics the universe as a whole is dynamic and this concept is very close to that of Eastern philosophies.
Niels Bohr: "material particles abstractions are isolated, because their properties are definable and observable only through their interaction with other systems. "This abstract knowledge on the evolution of" natural "world around us will accompany our learning process to help us better understand basics of Chinese medicine. The risk is to consider the theory of Yin and Yang only as an "antique" that can provide an exotic taste to the study of physiological and pathological phenomena of the human body. This is the attitude of those who think of Chinese medicine as a philosophy of an aura of mystery surrounding it almost esoteric. Nothing is more unfair and unnecessary: \u200b\u200bit is a physical medicine which is very concrete, made up of objective signs and reality often as Western doctors tend to underestimate. The theory of Yin and Yang, the pillar on which the whole system, a key to understanding the universe is extremely modern, practical and timely, so close to our most recent acquisitions by Western precede them chronologically.
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