Monday, March 7, 2011

Wax The Best In Madison Wi

I find it outrageous that misinformation and / or bad faith, through the media, person able to parties and powers to pass news absolutely do not correspond to the facts, biased or even invented, and they are painful believed.

Scholars minor who call themselves scientists and discovered non-existent state, partisan political events and people who report without any foundation, which compare competing companies when not denigrate them in public, corporate communications that destroy nature and promote conferences environmentalist, prelates who throw curses on people Public forgetting the dirt hidden under too many clothes lorop, teachers enrolled politically ill-formed generations of young minds and defenseless.

And now this day, no one will put the lie in the absence of a state which intervenes fairly in check and to stop these behaviors unjust, career interests, political power, economic power and always, for iniquity and arrogance, ineptitude, arrogance bias against the "Justice", understood not as the judiciary but as a major moral requirement, now unknown to most people, because the "examples" that are administered to them for decades.

the point that you can throw mud and shit through the internet on newspapers and TV any awkward person, capable, loving, just, brave, ruining the reputation, work, life: a real shame the media can to destroy people and other barriers to strong interest in the case rare that the truth emerged, after a few simple portraits or just pretending anything.

Without that no one participates, without state control, without the control responsible for serious journalists at the mercy of arrembanti seekers ready to spread rumors without verifying the reliability of all or, worse, manipulators of information hired by a faction, with the result that even the simple relationships between people have become corroded, it is believed that this band of opportunists for their sloth there is impunity, and that only the pure and the simple have to forgive, perhaps heavily, to give an example: the example that only powerful Paraculo servants of power and say and do what they want.

Even the processes take place before the media and then in the courtroom to declare the guilt or innocence before the courts have spoken against this established principle of ethics that should safeguard the rights of the until his final conviction or acquittal.

On social network pages malignant masses to incite murder.

We antechamber of lynchings in the streets: what is missing because they physically return to the fires, with masses of sick people ready to assist or even to take an active part?

E 'this is progress?

These are the real scandals of decades of moral decay, certainly not those reported by neopuritanesimo.

not "the time has come your wrath, the time for judging the dead, to give reward unto thy servants the prophets and the saints and to those who fear thy name, small and great, and destroy those who destroy the earth "?


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