Monday, March 7, 2011

Carpet Kit For Frontier Bed

the Red Army in 2010 and 2011 budget

As governor, from neighborhood committees to the government?

From 68 continues the formation of the 'red army'.

Throngs of people ill-bred and ill-educated to primary school to university, from factories to the boards, trade unions in politics, from schools to government offices and large private companies, in the midst of religious brotherhoods in associations, hospitals, the judiciary, the police, in towns, provinces, regions, government in the entertainment world by creating ever new myths driving the world of art, in business, in the mafia.

A capillary infiltration, a spider's web.

So if a mayor should be the center- to govern a country is, however, executives and employees that are against or at least do nothing to help keep its commitments, while the opposition accuses him fully informed they could not do anything.

A malignant gear for a while 'but begins to jam: or spiders are too many and they start to eat each other, or you do not see a fan base that they have understood and does not want them more , according to places and situations.

For them, all are equal partners (except the members of parties that are "more equal").

To me we are all born equal in terms of human rights, but for very different skills, inclinations cultural, physical, and moral sense, then created equal, what will be a personal journey rather than in a civilization that must reward the most deserving not forgetting the rights of anyone, especially not giving undeserved privileges, the study should be free to the highest level for the most capable and should be free, free health care for all and equal for all types of disease and understand survey of primary (there should be no visits for a fee), the board should be between the minimum and maximum non-living scandalous (even He who has already won so much with his work may well have saved and satisfied, while the poor person who has been sweating a lifetime of work should at least enjoy the tranquility, and who had a life expectancy continue to have a treatment medium) .

However govern them! And, while working against the Citizens for the sole interest of the party, and cause damage to the Community to bring down the enemy, while bringing up ready to strike terrorist groups, perhaps with support mafia, officials of the state if the normal systems are no longer sufficient, while economic powers to act on food Party call themselves Democrats and accuse others dictatorial system and to special interests.

Personally I have always been willing to accept and I would even be willing to accompany me on the Left are deemed intellectually honest, but I have not yet found who would, indeed, the same with me!

Their heads remained that of the courts political partisans of the civil war, and their conviction is to be the best, the only keepers of the truth and their method is always to break down the enemy physically .

Their arrogance is frightening limit power, the inability to think concretely, the fate of trying to realize the utopia, a brain in storage ready to drink without question what he is paid.

Our diversity (between me and those like them, and I certainly are not the right man in the sense understood by most, but I consider myself a man of true left, that Mussolini) is not so much as in the analysis summary, the practical philosophy of action to try to get more results improve children put together the people, rather than chase in vain as it is physically impossible to achieve, especially in the philosophy of small steps, to respect the good is in the past and to introduce proper amendments and additions to adapt to the times, certainly not their method of experimentation that involves uncertainty and instability, and the man needs certainty to "live".

So far the agreement has been practically impossible, not for myself but for their prevention.

course who also goes to the government of a small town, in order to govern should remove the powers of the officials at least do not go to his past and find good replacements, without losing too much time or so or will end badly his short political career ruined by risking an opinion people made through years of sacrifice.

The fight is hard, you've been warned and there is no room for the balls.


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