Who was Mussolini? What is Fascism?
You'll never find the truth if you're not willing to accept what you do not expect (Heraclitus)
Benito Mussolini was, as some historians argue condemned by history and without appeal?
Francesco Saverio Nitti, at its meeting on July 27 1947, the Constituent Assembly, said: I read too often in our newspapers, and read more reviews, which seem to me not only false, but also disabled, which are the responsibility fall on Italy's World War II, saying it is due to fascism. I'm not convinced that we have followed the right path and not even true, when in the fight against fascism and say that we, as now, that war is a result of Fascism, and that fascism was only Italian phenomenon. There have been far more profound causes. For harm to fascism, we did bad thing to the detriment of Italy. The easiest thing for all those who hated fascism and the very few who had suffered persecution was to insult the fascist and that he did not apportion blame .
... fascism was imposed through the systematic use of violence (Paul Corner).
Fascism was on a surge of early reaction to the Communist who denied the freedom of the people (...). We do not share the opinion of those who wish to condemn any action under the fascist general condemnation of violence. There are situations in which violence, even if it assumes the appearance of aggression, is actually a defensive violence, that is legitimate (Alcide De Gasperi).
Antonio Gramsci to the Third Congress of the Communist International in Moscow, held between June 22 and July 12, 1921, had hoped that in Italy there be a revolution along the lines of the Russian Bolshevik .
All the writings of Mussolini dedicated to the Russian question should be revisited today. We would realize that after all we've heard, very little in reality we have come to know of which he had not even then perfectly realized. In this sense we can say that, since 1923, Phillips (American journalist, author's note) plucked really the sign identifying a constant dynamic of Mussolini - he saw a naked communism and he was terrified (Gaetano Salvemini).
The class struggle takes in some cases the appearance of civil war, even before the squads come into the scene: from April 1919 to April 1920 there are 45 dead and 444 injured during Strikes and street demonstrations (Max Gallo).
castor oil was one of the weapons preferred by the fascists, the recurrent cases were treated with the baton, and - as a last resort - with bullets . (Antonio Spinosa).
Fascism has had many adherents, after the end of World War I, between us officers because we lived in an atmosphere of sheer terror. He suffered beatings, beatings. Many were murdered by the mere fact of bringing the starry (Ardito Desio).
Even if you can not prove a direct order to kill (by Giacomo Matteotti, nda) moral responsibility Mussolini is full of, manifest (Antonio Spinosa).
No, the captain had no interest in having to kill my father, he would have alienated for ever the possibility of an alliance with his old companions, who never finished to regret (Matteo Matteotti).
was he, Mussolini, who wanted to equate Nazism and fascism (Mario Cervi).
In relations with the Great Powers fascism looks like a peaceful regime, a regime which, when Hitler into power not hear the sirens of the Führer, even opposes him (...). Reading the books written by fascists, looking at the journalism fascist, fascist newspapers, what is striking is the optimism vitalistic underneath, a vitalistic optimism that is the joy, youth and life. In this there is no Nazi. If anything, there is the idea of \u200b\u200btradition, the idea of \u200b\u200brace (...). Optimism also exists in Nazism, but is not vital like the fascist: it is rather a tragic optimism (Renzo De Felice).
Between Italian Fascism and German Nazism, there are more points of difference rather than similarity (Michael Ledeen).
The first mistake was to believe that Mussolini was socialist (...). He grew up in aversion to the owners, the established order, system, and as he felt that these ideals of revolt were the basis of socialism, he joined the party, the wing extremist mpiù (...). That was cruel, contrary to what people may think that it compares with other modern dictators, there is no doubt (Silvio Bertoldi).
Mussolini was the greatest man I have known and certainly among the most profoundly good, I respect too much evidence to prove (Pope Pius XII).
As Frank writes, this was the opinion of herdsmen Sturzo Louis, the father of Christian Democracy: Sturzo does not investigate the causes of economic choices of fascism, not even judge the results , for better or for worse. We identified mainly a degenerative process, whose effects were to undermine the mentality and the costume of an Italian fascism, theorizing the role of public authorities in economic life, increased parasitism and corruption, it created an air of heavy and suffocating .
Mussolini was fascinating in several respects. For years all foreign relief that came to Rome had no other interest than to approximate the man who, under extremely difficult conditions, after several years of anarchy and chaos was able to restore order and rhythm to the entire life of Italy Contemporary (...). Because in the end inspired by a true pulse of humanity. Contemptuous of all wealth has always lived modestly. During his life retained a deep affection for the humble, for the peasants and workers (...). Those who want at all costs be depicted as an intractable, tough as granite is completely deceptive. The power did not wore out at all (...). We can not enumerate his acts of kindness (...). The budget of Fascism? He name: roads, highways, railways, irrigation canals, power plants, schools, stadiums, sports, airports, ports, social hygiene, hospitals, sanatoriums, reclamation, industries, commerce, economic development, fight against malaria, wheat battle, Littoria, Sabaudia, Pontinia, Guidonia Charter of Labor, class collaboration, Corporations, After Work, Motherhood and Childhood Opera, Charter School, Encyclopedia, Academy, codes Mussolini, the Lateran Pacts, conciliation, pacification of Libya, merchant marine, navy, aviation, conquest of Abyssinia. All that has made fascism is consigned to history. But if there is a name that, in all this drama, will remain pure and spotless, it will be that of Mussolini (Paul Gentizon, Swiss journalist).
Fascism, pure evil (Gianfranco Fini).
The rapid progress of Italy after the second world war and the fact that today is already on their way to an intensive development would be unthinkable without social processes started during the fascist period (Mihalay Vajda) .
Mussolini was part of the machinery of the Final Solution (Riccardo Pacifici).
The main ally of Germany, Fascist Italy, sabotaged the Nazi Jewish policy in the territories under its control (...). As we have said, it was Mussolini himself to enunciate the principle "not discriminate" pursue . However, the Italian army went even further, no doubt with the tacit consent of Mussolini (...). The deportations of Jews began only after the fall of Mussolini, when the Germans occupied Italy (George L. Mosse, The Hebrew University).
PS As the reader will see an anti-fascist personality, or we just mentioned, however, not fascist
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