Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why Do Sore Throats Hurt More At Night

I read and disseminated - Article by Giancarlo Giannini


Di Filippo Giannini

Before I make my own the words of his friend Francesco d'Auria: - I am not anti-Semitic, the "Aryan race" makes me laugh, in millions of years of human existence crossings have increased so much that it would be really interesting to go back, with DNA studies the origins of each of us. I wonder if the future can give us this information - .

Who writes these notes have great admiration and respect for human intelligence, and we must recognize that in the so-called Jewish people , this phenomenon is relevant.

To try to understand what is happening in those areas called Middle East, I open my latest book and I take an excerpt from Chapter XII, and leave the hot potato to the reader.


Already we have mentioned in Chapter VI to harassment and acts of hostility against the Jews, made by "Allies" , so if it is true that one who commits a reprehensible ignoble act, so are those who, despite being able to avoid it, are beyond the duty to prevent it.

If it was known that the so-called "Jewish Holocaust" was going on, who knew? And if you knew, who knew?

Yan Karsky was a young engineer Polish jew. escaped from a "death camp" where he had been locked up in 1941-42. The leaders of the Polish Jews gave him a packet of documents that show the stages of ' "final action" . The aim was to deliver these documents to all those "men of goodwill" to which asking for help, then to the Allied Governments. Karsky, from Warsaw, on a journey really reckless: through Central Europe (passed in Italy) and came to Britain.

On 21 June 1989, the Italian Radio and Television passed on an interview issued by Karsky and broadcast the program "Mixer" journalist Giovanni Minoli. The testimony of Karsky is a heavy indictment of the indifference shown by the Anglo-Russian-American governments for the suffering of so many unhappy.

Karsky arrived in London in November 1942. The first to examine the documents were the representatives of the Polish government in exile in London, then the messages were presented to British and American officials. Anthony Eden, British Foreign Secretary, met immediately after Karsky. He noted: - I came to the conclusion that the highest levels, that is, by Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, chorus asserted that the overall strategy of this war was the military defeat of Germany, no other minor problem was interfering -. Karsky, therefore, observed: - The question, therefore, was as follows: the tragedy of the Jews, so painful and embarrassing for them was a "minor problem" - .

- "Sub" or not - considered Minoli - Allied leaders knew and the records show that I have here in my hand and we can not find in the archives and British intelligence have proof that met Karsky Eden in February of '43 and knew everything and that to a specific question answered "Thanks, the report Karsky there has already been delivered" and cut short the conversation. But Roosevelt knew everything and knew all the members of the U.S. government - .

Karsky was invited to the White House July 28, 1943. After about an hour and twenty minutes with the American President. Roosevelt was very kind, according to Karsky inquired about the Jews, asked what he had seen and if he could provide statistics; - merely say that when I returned to Poland I would have to report to my bosses that the borders of Poland in ' east would change, Poland would have been rewarded with the German territories. I also said that the war was over the guilty would be punished - (1).

Karsky also met with American Jewish leaders, as the President of the World Jewish Congress and the American U.S. Supreme Court Justices, including the powerful Felix Frankfurter, this was the Polish ambassador to the United States. Karsky spoke with everyone and all exhibited what he had seen and all presented requests from Jewish leaders in Poland, among them, urgently asking for the Allies to bomb the railways leading to the camp, this is to make it less easy to transport the deportees, for Germans to understand that outside of Germany "you knew" and that "knowing" there was the threat of retaliation.

Frankfurter responded to these requests and these Karsky who was said to be absolutely frank, and added - I can not quite believe it - . At these words, the Polish ambassador remarked that Karsky had the full authority granted by the Polish government. Frankfurter's response was extremely subtle: - Mr Ambassador, I did not say that this young man is lying, I said that "are not able to believe what said " - . It is a statement that opens suspicion is not yet clear contours. Even the Israeli historian Shebtai Tevet said - The Jewish Community knew since summer 1942 and did not intervene - . The reasons for not taking action, perhaps to be found in the insufficient power available to it. And there is, then, supported the hypothesis with an essay by John Kleeves reported on "Italicum" in March 2004. Kleeves claims, with a number of arguments that the "powerful Jewish lobby" is not so "powerful" : - The Jews did not affect the genesis of American reality, they have helped to build it up and make it what it is. The United States regardless of how they are Jews. This, for better or for worse, it is a fact, proven historically. Those who claim otherwise, even if there are many, says an event that never happened, ever, completely invented - . According to the author, who hold the true power in the U.S. is a dominant group founded by Puritans, known as WASP ( "White Anglo-Saxon Protestants" ). For greater accuracy - everything that the U.S. do to the Jews and Israel do so because it is convenient to themselves, and not because they are brainwashed by the Jews. This, if anything, they do believe - . In the U.S. a "Jewish lobby" exist (you want it to exist), but the power is apparent, and get only what had already been decided. - The U.S. power has always been a monopoly WASP (...). the "powerful Jewish lobby" , however, is pure "American interest" - . In other words the "Jewish lobby" would a shelter behind which to download the unorthodox actions of the U.S., that is, the WASP.

This could be a key to understanding the barriers encountered by Karsky.

Another key to understanding may be sought in the interpretation of the Jewish problem exists between the Zionists and assimilationist. The first, says Mauro Manno ( - All Zionist leaders, all the Zionist movements, Labour and collaborated with the Nazis against the Jews assimilationist - .

As we will see a little further (and as we saw in previous chapters), large areas of Jewish organizations and many governments of western countries, little concerned with the fate of the Jews. To give force to this argument is sufficient to bring an excerpt of what he wrote Lenni Brenner ( Zionism in the Age of the Dictators ", Chapter XXIV): - Finance in 1943, while the Jews of Europe were exterminated by the millions, the U.S. Congress proposed to set up a commission to study the problem. Rabbi Stephen Wise, who was the chief Zionist spokesmen in America, he went to Washington to testify against the bill because it would have diverted attention (the Jews) from the colonization of Palestine. This is the same Rabbi Wise who, in 1938, as head of Jewish Congress of America, wrote a letter in which he was opposed to any change in U.S. immigration law, a change that would allow Jews to be welcomed. In this letter he wrote: "It may be of interest for you to know that a few weeks ago the leaders of major Jewish organizations met in a conference (...). There it was decided that at this moment, no Jewish organization would have sponsored a law likely to change in any way the immigration laws "- . Commenting on this, Mauro Manno said: - The legislation had to be changed (in 1943) was that greatly restricted immigration, including the Jewish, the United States - . Manno concludes: - Dear become Jewish or Zionist and emigrated to Palestine or death! - .

So, what could they do to stop the Jews' "Holocaust" ? In particular, what could Ben Gurion, the founding father of Israel? Respond Jewish historian Idith Tzertal: - The rescue of 100 or 1000 Jews was "only marginal operation" to Ben Gurion. He was for operations in large scale, thus had excluded small rescue operations. Ben Gurion had never given much weight to the problem of rescuing the Jews, he considered, however, the most important foundation of the Jewish state, because this could see a future solution to the Jewish question, and therefore also the mass extermination - .

This can give rise to the suspicion that the immolation of hundreds of thousands of Jews have been - though painful - an operation calculated to "reason of state".

To you, dear reader, the deductions.

Can You Have Maltitol When Pregnant

I read and disseminated - Article by Filippo Giannini


Who was Mussolini? What is Fascism?

You'll never find the truth if you're not willing to accept what you do not expect (Heraclitus)

Benito Mussolini was, as some historians argue condemned by history and without appeal?

Francesco Saverio Nitti, at its meeting on July 27 1947, the Constituent Assembly, said: I read too often in our newspapers, and read more reviews, which seem to me not only false, but also disabled, which are the responsibility fall on Italy's World War II, saying it is due to fascism. I'm not convinced that we have followed the right path and not even true, when in the fight against fascism and say that we, as now, that war is a result of Fascism, and that fascism was only Italian phenomenon. There have been far more profound causes. For harm to fascism, we did bad thing to the detriment of Italy. The easiest thing for all those who hated fascism and the very few who had suffered persecution was to insult the fascist and that he did not apportion blame .

... fascism was imposed through the systematic use of violence (Paul Corner).

Fascism was on a surge of early reaction to the Communist who denied the freedom of the people (...). We do not share the opinion of those who wish to condemn any action under the fascist general condemnation of violence. There are situations in which violence, even if it assumes the appearance of aggression, is actually a defensive violence, that is legitimate (Alcide De Gasperi).

Antonio Gramsci to the Third Congress of the Communist International in Moscow, held between June 22 and July 12, 1921, had hoped that in Italy there be a revolution along the lines of the Russian Bolshevik .

All the writings of Mussolini dedicated to the Russian question should be revisited today. We would realize that after all we've heard, very little in reality we have come to know of which he had not even then perfectly realized. In this sense we can say that, since 1923, Phillips (American journalist, author's note) plucked really the sign identifying a constant dynamic of Mussolini - he saw a naked communism and he was terrified (Gaetano Salvemini).

The class struggle takes in some cases the appearance of civil war, even before the squads come into the scene: from April 1919 to April 1920 there are 45 dead and 444 injured during Strikes and street demonstrations (Max Gallo).

castor oil was one of the weapons preferred by the fascists, the recurrent cases were treated with the baton, and - as a last resort - with bullets . (Antonio Spinosa).

Fascism has had many adherents, after the end of World War I, between us officers because we lived in an atmosphere of sheer terror. He suffered beatings, beatings. Many were murdered by the mere fact of bringing the starry (Ardito Desio).

Even if you can not prove a direct order to kill (by Giacomo Matteotti, nda) moral responsibility Mussolini is full of, manifest (Antonio Spinosa).

No, the captain had no interest in having to kill my father, he would have alienated for ever the possibility of an alliance with his old companions, who never finished to regret (Matteo Matteotti).

was he, Mussolini, who wanted to equate Nazism and fascism (Mario Cervi).

In relations with the Great Powers fascism looks like a peaceful regime, a regime which, when Hitler into power not hear the sirens of the Führer, even opposes him (...). Reading the books written by fascists, looking at the journalism fascist, fascist newspapers, what is striking is the optimism vitalistic underneath, a vitalistic optimism that is the joy, youth and life. In this there is no Nazi. If anything, there is the idea of \u200b\u200btradition, the idea of \u200b\u200brace (...). Optimism also exists in Nazism, but is not vital like the fascist: it is rather a tragic optimism (Renzo De Felice).

Between Italian Fascism and German Nazism, there are more points of difference rather than similarity (Michael Ledeen).

The first mistake was to believe that Mussolini was socialist (...). He grew up in aversion to the owners, the established order, system, and as he felt that these ideals of revolt were the basis of socialism, he joined the party, the wing extremist mpiù (...). That was cruel, contrary to what people may think that it compares with other modern dictators, there is no doubt (Silvio Bertoldi).

Mussolini was the greatest man I have known and certainly among the most profoundly good, I respect too much evidence to prove (Pope Pius XII).

As Frank writes, this was the opinion of herdsmen Sturzo Louis, the father of Christian Democracy: Sturzo does not investigate the causes of economic choices of fascism, not even judge the results , for better or for worse. We identified mainly a degenerative process, whose effects were to undermine the mentality and the costume of an Italian fascism, theorizing the role of public authorities in economic life, increased parasitism and corruption, it created an air of heavy and suffocating .

Mussolini was fascinating in several respects. For years all foreign relief that came to Rome had no other interest than to approximate the man who, under extremely difficult conditions, after several years of anarchy and chaos was able to restore order and rhythm to the entire life of Italy Contemporary (...). Because in the end inspired by a true pulse of humanity. Contemptuous of all wealth has always lived modestly. During his life retained a deep affection for the humble, for the peasants and workers (...). Those who want at all costs be depicted as an intractable, tough as granite is completely deceptive. The power did not wore out at all (...). We can not enumerate his acts of kindness (...). The budget of Fascism? He name: roads, highways, railways, irrigation canals, power plants, schools, stadiums, sports, airports, ports, social hygiene, hospitals, sanatoriums, reclamation, industries, commerce, economic development, fight against malaria, wheat battle, Littoria, Sabaudia, Pontinia, Guidonia Charter of Labor, class collaboration, Corporations, After Work, Motherhood and Childhood Opera, Charter School, Encyclopedia, Academy, codes Mussolini, the Lateran Pacts, conciliation, pacification of Libya, merchant marine, navy, aviation, conquest of Abyssinia. All that has made fascism is consigned to history. But if there is a name that, in all this drama, will remain pure and spotless, it will be that of Mussolini (Paul Gentizon, Swiss journalist).

Fascism, pure evil (Gianfranco Fini).

The rapid progress of Italy after the second world war and the fact that today is already on their way to an intensive development would be unthinkable without social processes started during the fascist period (Mihalay Vajda) .

Mussolini was part of the machinery of the Final Solution (Riccardo Pacifici).

The main ally of Germany, Fascist Italy, sabotaged the Nazi Jewish policy in the territories under its control (...). As we have said, it was Mussolini himself to enunciate the principle "not discriminate" pursue . However, the Italian army went even further, no doubt with the tacit consent of Mussolini (...). The deportations of Jews began only after the fall of Mussolini, when the Germans occupied Italy (George L. Mosse, The Hebrew University).

PS As the reader will see an anti-fascist personality, or we just mentioned, however, not fascist

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Exiting Tally Internal

ATM Casting La Marca

The merger of four leading companies in TPL, including ATM, could lead to a better rationalization of the races in the area and savings in administrative organizational field, but certainly not a realistic draft design of racing in the area and the detail of the savings that you believe how to make and will certainly help improve the dialogue and the acceptance of the project. Also close to the speaker's mouth only to political antithesis to those who want to keep a chair on the boards, the usual plethora of those who never want to change the status quo and the many bureaucrats used to brake. Reassure citizens and businesses.
Citizens of Vittorio Veneto wonder about this merger because not have assurance that the settlement of accounts, the transaction will be resolved for Vittorio Veneto in deteriorating service for students and senior citizens while in a further loss of one of the last major bodies that resisted with determination, courage and efficiency, the City Vittorio Veneto is a major political achievement and a feather: is not justifiable in the only loss of ATM, another blow in addition to the range of authorities and functions that already there have been withheld, this time in defiance of a government to citizen of the same sign of the province.
Considering that the company carries out a good public service, is in excellent financial assets, owns from the considerable value of property, it is critical to secure the destiny of public transport Vittoria that, even under the modest but very well sounder economic, equity and organizational ATM compared to many other firms TPL, the possible merger does not reduce the profits of ATM (and therefore the City of Vittorio Veneto) and that the ATM is therefore strongly represented and warranted in the new CDA One company, based on various parameters (reliability, budget and assets, strategic importance) not just the miles. routes and methods.
Try therefore to exhibit a concrete draft design of fusion that expresses also the representativeness of 4 companies in the new CDA One: there is nothing to hide, and maybe it's better now argue that dragging a long and painful dispute, there is no place in public debate in the economic interests of a party, personalistic for positions for political profit, for blackmail or unilateral demands, or for blocks and forcing people from larger companies and pull the rope of the politicians and bureaucrats. We try to ensure that this merger does not become merely a means to gobble up market share, but actually creating a new company in which all 4 players we gain and we lose in equal measure: a gain will be the quality of service and the pockets of citizens and policy credibility.

How Do You Beat Mount And Blade??

Meritocracy denied

The magistrates strike for pay rise oncologists on strike for the reduction in their view of medical care.
Two of the categories that are always ready to stand against the government, when it is left.
No country is ill-taken as Italy with regard to the administration and legal certainty are also people who have not paid more than once hesitated to commit a crime so serious. In the medical field
the government strongly denies reductions in medical care in severe disease, but representatives of the medical strike anyway.
increasing number of scandals of poor health care, inefficiency and incompetence in various medical services, when not guilty of indifference, and the health of citizens has therefore increasingly at risk due to carelessness, inadequate training, lack of consideration of the patient, always in the foreground with the "rights" industry personnel.
seems clear, at least to those with normal mental faculties, there are groups always ready to "arm themselves" against the government anyway.
And the reasons are obvious: careers in these areas to carry out political affiliation, to know, so those who want to make a career must be well integrated into the system (abnormal), the skills, professional commitment and human (not political or social) , respect for the individual, the concrete results found also by ordinary people, all things are obscured, the "Merit" has no more true.
What future can have a sick society, decadent, however, denies that the meritocracy? The minds run away from this country, the poor remain that wallow in the absence of meritocracy, are the bureaucrats, the true master of Timon of these companies are not governed by politicians for the most part of the same thickness and motivated by job search profitable without responsibility, and the answer to the question, although we are sorry to see it, is found in the study of history, of what has already happened to the fall of the Roman Empire (476 AD), the collapse of the towers twin failures of large banks, rampant materialism and orgiastic sex and perverse are the signs of inefficiency and instability of society "progressed" and an economic and social model, and its (perhaps) inevitable decline. The
ed (maybe) is part of hope ...