remove Comments on the Crucifix
I always remember a phrase my grandfather, the renowned master Luigi Franco Aeneid translator and educator of many generations of Vittoria, "If it were not for religion to be invented." Today, the gurus
media are filled his mouth instead of "secularism".
But let us not go to the usual complaints against foreigners, against Europe, against those who regularly and for decades, continue to rule in our house and tell us what gotta do, to be welcome or to enter the usual rounds of the powerful and the economy.
We have been in Europe for years were not anything, from this year made politically non-existent entity ( but united by a corrupt mentality left) tries to put on his knees to escape the pizza and champagne, especially rods when we can do better than others, and we had the best workers that workers in the world, the best school in the world, the world's largest automotive tradition, the largest cultural traditions of the world's largest religious tradition in the world, we destroyed everything to "bend to bottom! And now here we are, for the few dollars that come back from Europe, with shit up to the eyes but yet still supine and prone to accept whatever propinino us or force us to suffer even against our faith.
But is not the fault of Strasbourg, the Germans or the French or the Swiss or Finns or Muslims ...: the fault is ours alone.
do not know the national anthem but shed words on the dialects to be saved, we are not united but the usual jumble of opportunists and cowards, easy betrayal, with only the money I think, admire our creativity but we consider unreliable.
And we leave all control to our house because we need all even for the things easier, because we have become so lazy to delegate others to do what we must, because we despise the hard work and appreciate the culture of drug mafia money and wear at all costs, because we have not provided any value to young people seeking reduced entertainment, or worse, the buzz, as the only meaning of life, selfish and envious we have lost the sense of Community and Social aid among people who had made us grow, but above all we have become so stupid that we are not sure whether do not copy from someone who knows less than us, if we are not making the same mistakes that others have done before us, if we do not try or do not blame any form of mental and sexual perversion always looking for a personality now lost.
We have given up a national identity, our self-determination, defense of our values \u200b\u200band traditions, the sense of family and life itself to not feel isolated and out of fashion, and here we are, despite (in my opinion because ) all these unfortunate choices opportunistic, to fight for daily bread the workplace and retirement, the lack of a future for our children, for our own safety: unable to look back and adjustments. In this progressive breakdown
-capitalist even the Catholic Church, or rather a part of the Church, it was immersed: Too many priests are unbelievers lazy bureaucrats who do not know the parish, too many high priests were guilty of serious sexual perversion, too many economists have interpreted their role as clergy bank that would be easy to over-pure understatement. When I attended a design competition for the chapel of a hospital leave me very puzzled the "concern" that neither the church nor chapel churchyard were internally or externally bring clear Christian symbols .... In order to promote the concentration of each patient beyond his religion, a prophetic concern ... these days, which would also save on the presence of the priests, the now rare on icons and images, but without releasing the tapes, however, for alms, not in line with the other hand, carried out by Benedict XVI, Pope Ratzinger, innovative defender of Christian values.
And while these tears occur, the imam of Padua, mind far more intelligent and smart, said yesterday that it is contrary to remove the crucifix and the crucifix is \u200b\u200ba symbol of shared tradition ( perhaps not much in agreement with many of his countrymen ... ) giving us a lesson in dignity.
now I no longer believe in our resource mix with the dark forces want to prevent the judiciary. But who knows if any new or irredentist nationalism is emerging or growing to prepare to restore honor and dignity to this poor Italy. I hope so even if I do not think we hit rock bottom and who knows how long we will live always darkest moments.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Mac Controls For Pokemon
House Plan Approved
One good thing in the housing plan approved in C. Board, if it is followed ( need to ask ourselves as times always rejected by 380 ), is the new speed of response ( 30 days) that the Vittoria bureaucracy has finally given. What
Adriana Costantini, left, has not found serious footholds for discussion in House Plan Vittoria, says a lot about taming a political plan that leaves disoriented. This shows a Northern League Executive
Vittoria ( with a little ' PDL), which hampered the unpreparedness of "juvenile" urban planning and legal advice to people has always been tied to the left of Vittoria and others, she found herself actually to vote against legislation of PDL and League and National League in the Region and Province.
As usual, the usual mentality of fear to Vittoria, who for decades as a heavy cloud covering the city, has also prevailed on the visions of parties strongly opposing each other (although common mentality), the bogeyman to be feared but not real serious consequences on the ground, bitterly predicted by the prophets of a makeshift left that barks at everything that does not occur to her (and the extent it is full), have prevailed on the strength and courage of regeneration, which in this particular moment in economic and social had to emerge, giving measures of the political class town.
getting to the point of self castrate preventing any increase in the areas F, property and public use.
In all other areas, with the usual abundant distinction that has always weigh down without tangible aesthetic and functional efficiency of Town Vittoria, are permitted in increments of 20%.
Personally I would not go to touch the coefficients expressed by the national or regional, but rather to avoid interventions disproportionately in poor areas, I would have interposed the discretion of a strengthening of the mechanisms of the prior study with simulated car parks ( giving a great monetization overestimated ) of induced traffic, the problems related to urbanization and services in the area: opinions obtained in the various offices responsible could simply impose the clause of the passage in the City Council, clearing the way for possible "favors" while stating the responsibilities of public right or wrong choices urbanistically socially and economically important for the City.
One good thing in the housing plan approved in C. Board, if it is followed ( need to ask ourselves as times always rejected by 380 ), is the new speed of response ( 30 days) that the Vittoria bureaucracy has finally given. What
Adriana Costantini, left, has not found serious footholds for discussion in House Plan Vittoria, says a lot about taming a political plan that leaves disoriented. This shows a Northern League Executive
Vittoria ( with a little ' PDL), which hampered the unpreparedness of "juvenile" urban planning and legal advice to people has always been tied to the left of Vittoria and others, she found herself actually to vote against legislation of PDL and League and National League in the Region and Province.
As usual, the usual mentality of fear to Vittoria, who for decades as a heavy cloud covering the city, has also prevailed on the visions of parties strongly opposing each other (although common mentality), the bogeyman to be feared but not real serious consequences on the ground, bitterly predicted by the prophets of a makeshift left that barks at everything that does not occur to her (and the extent it is full), have prevailed on the strength and courage of regeneration, which in this particular moment in economic and social had to emerge, giving measures of the political class town.
getting to the point of self castrate preventing any increase in the areas F, property and public use.
In all other areas, with the usual abundant distinction that has always weigh down without tangible aesthetic and functional efficiency of Town Vittoria, are permitted in increments of 20%.
Personally I would not go to touch the coefficients expressed by the national or regional, but rather to avoid interventions disproportionately in poor areas, I would have interposed the discretion of a strengthening of the mechanisms of the prior study with simulated car parks ( giving a great monetization overestimated ) of induced traffic, the problems related to urbanization and services in the area: opinions obtained in the various offices responsible could simply impose the clause of the passage in the City Council, clearing the way for possible "favors" while stating the responsibilities of public right or wrong choices urbanistically socially and economically important for the City.
Friday, October 16, 2009
How To Arrange Tissue Paper
experience, made as member of the Building Committee of the Environmental Cison Valmarino, with the likes Att. MD Bottari and architect. L. Bottan to follow all the work of restoration was Castelbrando training, then Tarzo during the commissioner of the City and then with the new administration of Mayor Bof course, he confirmed that a member of the Environmental Commission requesting an illuminated so that went to meet the public, taught me many things. It is my profound conviction that the Building Commission should not become a means to promote the powerful and harass colleagues or even less as a weapon against citizens but, rather, must function as a flexible tool designed to help all citizens, respecting the environment, to achieve their legitimate needs. The work, for example, the City of Valdobbiadene, it does not say no to the ceiling, like many municipalities, but allows the construction of the attic that are happy people and bring money, as costs, into the coffers of the City, shows that intelligence and political and administrative willingness they will agree Public Administration and citizens.
have been baffled by some of the speeches made at the conference on Regional Housing Plan by the lawyer. Bruno Barel, such as to exclaim to some participants: " but the Communists have returned to Victor? "observations, deductions and risks of megavolumetrie he feared impending clash, in my opinion, against the reality of things in the centers of the Veneto province: in our area increase of 20% of the volume will be resolved for the most part in increasing volume equal to a room ( many large companies are failing these days? ), and all these fears are a photocopy of the center of the allegations, the opposition made to the Regional Government.
course new problems will arise, for example, in drafting the Act 10 and ex 46, achieved in the new room extension can be connected to the heating of the house, maybe have an old oil boiler: In this case you will draw up the design for one room or the entire system (with all issues related )? And many others like it will be solved with openness and common sense (a very rare commodity ).
to a question the public rhetoric apparently considered the obvious answer, when asked if he would be happy to Vittorio Veneto, to see implementation of a new volume with increases of up to 40% of the volume of Italcementi I, as a architect, creative with a great sense of ethics that does not limit the prejudices, but I think I can answer: 1 - if such a structure, and relative increase in volume, were given away to the usual to make known the answer would obviously be speculative apartments no ( but here nothing to do with the housing plan, rather we should ask to account those who govern and control the city ) 2 - but if any public or private institution would make a new, real, social structure or tourism for the City would be idiots not to support this initiative. Each rule can be used for the worse or for better (the famous free will ...) but the prejudices limited understanding and solving problems.
We see, then, for a time from a positive concept that the House plan is designed to move the economy and work as a method of recovery of such speculative, outdated, and to encourage the use of energy recovery technologies, without however blindfold in front of the superficiality and inconsistency typical of emergency plans and, alas, the contemporary lawmaking ... Let's take it as an opportunity, together with all 'use of renewable energy to reshape the architectural image of our City ( in what I agree with the lawyer ) and distributed by the classic study in humility to create new models by the method of small steps and not continuing revolution: the Porsche, was born in the 50s, has been in a time of continuous technical and stylistic not continuous revolutions.
the 70 in our country is instead swept the model ( left) of the revolution at any cost. In school, at work, in Social Justice in the watchword was always "continuous testing", without ever stopping to make a budget, to see if the methods used have achieved the desired results then in power to become , in every field, the most severe deniers, and the results are there for all to see: a school to ensure that rates tailored to remove more limited interest to most talented, continues to churn out ignorant, even if it produces more and more unemployed people with degree, resulting in results have led to the Italians, clerical deserting the great resource of manual labor, especially in construction and furniture, which had made us great in the world, working in almost equalization of wages of the young apprentice with the team leader, with decades of experience, they destroyed the mechanisms of learning the job and the correct hierarchy in society the satisfaction of the ego has destroyed any possibility of aggregation: family first, then faith and social behaviors are paying the irreparable consequences ; in justice and the doing good left free to commit crimes continues to leave legions of repeat offenders. In building the model of the "container "So the 70 are called the building blocks of new city built with the sole function of containing the people, as this was a lot to put in some things and not a collection of individuals with individual needs and equal rights, has destroyed the classic sense of urbanism born in our country when other people were still living a semi-nomadic life.
Another serious problem is the mass of continuous innovation in building materials, which are often chosen for convenience or cost fashion, it was not possible to test them adequately in time, all duly certified as sustainable and, above all, bioecocompatibili: remember that the house , especially with i prezzi odierni, costa enormi sacrifici di una vita e dovrebbe essere fatta per durare almeno una vita, specie se pensiamo che gran parte della popolazione vive in case che di generazioni ne hanno vissute tante! E che l’Ambiente va salvaguardato. Attenzione dunque, poiché oggi si deve rimuovere l’Eternit, causa di tante crudeli morti!
Siamo chiamati ad una scelta su case di durata limitata o case rinnovabili nel tempo da lasciare ai figli: vista la nostra tendenza a copiare il sistema americano consumistico ed il Mercato che la fa da padrone, si fanno già case che non durano al prezzo di case durature; l’introduzione di nuove metodologie, per il risparmio energetico e della sicurezza antisismica, faranno ulteriormente fluttuare il prezzo; il tema merita quindi un grande momento di riflessione collettiva ma in particolare di chi imprende, pena la sua rapida scomparsa.
Per quanto riguarda il libretto della casa, tanto strombazzato come certificato di qualità, non dimentichiamo che i libretti delle auto e quelli delle medicine, entrambi da sempre esistenti, non dicono tutta la verità, infatti le auto consumano molto di più di quanto le Case automobilistiche dichiarano e le medicine non ottengono i risultati che promettono, quando almeno non creano gravi danni; ma certo visto che il cosiddetto consumatore informato è stato ormai predisposto ( di persone che sappiano muovere le mani ce ne sono ormai ben poche, la maggioranza è stata resa non in grado di comprendere diversity alone, and then trust what they say the programs, sponsorship, TV ) to claim the book of the house, it certainly will arrive also to create new confusion, attesting perhaps as good old speculators most advanced manufacturers in the field of advertising, thrown in the trash and small businesses that historical, less conscious of the importance of the current marcheting, have made their only building quality standards. But are not these "geniuses" of the hard marcheting those responsible for the failures of over 94 banks in ten months of 2009 in the U.S.? And 'a must here also a deep reflection.
And if we also put a rant of aesthetic qualities architecture ( lawyer, at least let him do the architects ... ) dreamed of a territory of model homes to Wright, and blaming the designers of the overall low level, even if some part of truth in what is, we can not forget some key points: In the flood-regulatory, B - the "quality" of the client, C - the power of the market, D - the effectiveness of the public control, and - the quality of the designers. For regulatory flood
A-I mean a mass introductions of laws, and misdeeds are often in conflict, which every day come through the Internet to make life impossible for designers and offices control, with the only result of increased project costs, fatigue, practice and travel to the irresponsibility of public officials, a recent example: fence of wooden posts and wire a house in the hills, 12 cm thick folder. , local practice, practice environmental goods, the mountain community practice, practice forester; total time allowed for the 9 months, 4 days time to implement. work, and not to mention the cost ... In this chaos, the designer finds himself caring more formal and bureaucratic aspects of the rightful demands of beautiful and functional, that is the beautiful and good, as defined by the ancient Greeks ( Kalos kai Agathos ).
B - The fruits of industrial society and business will find themselves faced with the tastes of the nouveaux riches: there is no room in the home libraries to be replaced by the mega-screen TV ( megastronzate to sip, soap operas and subliminal orders of the economic and political ), the house and the car must be big and luxurious (like Dallas) or minimalist or retro, since the architecture of today, immersed in the current general decline of the customs and culture, rarely knows and can live and condition and its Our Time.
C - All the rhetoric about the quality then, in practice, clash with the interests of economic operators building, how can we hope as long as the city remains captive ignorant of entrepreneurs, who are used to operate in almost a monopoly, to build projects on a "copy and paste" without building and architectural quality but with very different levels of revenue, whose sole interest is a profit to the more unimaginable?
D - The public scrutiny is expressed too often practices in fatigue, the "power of the bureaucracy" when it submits itself to the powers that be, political or economic, or even worse when it does not become armed robbery of a political party against ' Directors in office, or when it is essentially denial. Waiting times have dramatically decrease (eg Vittorio Veneto urban variants 8 and 9, in the finishing straight, were started in 2002, adopted in 2004 and waited until now, the regional results, with the result that the building areas that are now available, thanks to the crisis, can not find buyers at the time) and the result is plain for everyone to no end delays, certification, sworn, mountains of papers, but it is very rare to find the architectural quality in the area: Another important theme for reflection, bureaucratic fatigue Italy is in fact killing the system ( in Germany to participate in a tender is compiled an A4 with a few crosses in Canada ... the practices they are very quick and simple, sure who makes the smart go to jail )
E - the quality of projects affected by the deterioration of education, culture, social world, in a society that has decided not to select the best, political affiliation and friendship with powerful choices are almost mandatory for profit, given that the objective is trumpeted as a right and left but, in fact, the only thing sought after today's money, with only rare exceptions research artistic models of cultural, technological and functional gives way to the usual "educated" and empty conventions, where most part to be present and the few interested in the subject if they return home regularly demotivated. Claiming that the
then informs his client DL (Decree 380 ) for abuse is irrational, implausible, and demonstrates the waiver of the State to perform its duties and, simultaneously, will be able to count, however, on a scapegoat on which you can dump the harsh hand of the law ... and the inevitable fines.
Thus, a lawyer, please do not throw stones against the designers only, otherwise rimbeccare could blame the lawyers of quality, time and outcomes of processes, and shout to the spreaders for all criminals, large and small, and our imports, which moving too liberal for all the beloved national soil ( with this remark I finished bring up my dear classmate ).
Returning to the general theme at the conference to Josephine, is noteworthy, however, the effort of Town Planning of the City of Vittorio Veneto to prepare the forms of so-called simplification that I believe, however, may serve to simplify the delivery to the offices but even more tiring the usual professional and I especially concerned with the final affidavit certifying that the proposed project, under a waiver of the Regional Housing Plan, prepared in accordance with zoning and building regulations, municipal: from the standpoint of criminal law, I wonder , what will happen to those projects that criminal legalization of de facto operations absolutely not provided, even in obvious contrast with the municipal urban planning tools, but in order with the housing plan? You would really appreciate a legal opinion.
From The Mayor King commented saying that there is so much confusion in the field, but with great simplicity, he sincerely asked the participants' contribution to the conference to find a line of shared action.
I hope this house plan, despite its restrictions congenital to the city centers, it is an occasion, one step in the objective of recovery of city centers and the arrangement of the zones A, not an additional problem: if you really want to put in start the recovery of vital city centers should bring us people, jobs and commerce, life is not just museums, and in order to achieve this objective, the regulatory and bureaucratic ties with courage and vision must be mitigated, not increasing as it is happening, otherwise we will transform the historic centers empty monuments in need of care by continually falling costs of a bit ', I fear, too much for the community.
I believe that even if times are tight, it should be a select committee appointed by the Mayor also supported by representatives of the self-employed citizens.
Thank you for your attention, patience and hope to have made some modest contribution, I extend my best regards. Dr. Flavio FRANCO Arch
experience, made as member of the Building Committee of the Environmental Cison Valmarino, with the likes Att. MD Bottari and architect. L. Bottan to follow all the work of restoration was Castelbrando training, then Tarzo during the commissioner of the City and then with the new administration of Mayor Bof course, he confirmed that a member of the Environmental Commission requesting an illuminated so that went to meet the public, taught me many things. It is my profound conviction that the Building Commission should not become a means to promote the powerful and harass colleagues or even less as a weapon against citizens but, rather, must function as a flexible tool designed to help all citizens, respecting the environment, to achieve their legitimate needs. The work, for example, the City of Valdobbiadene, it does not say no to the ceiling, like many municipalities, but allows the construction of the attic that are happy people and bring money, as costs, into the coffers of the City, shows that intelligence and political and administrative willingness they will agree Public Administration and citizens.
have been baffled by some of the speeches made at the conference on Regional Housing Plan by the lawyer. Bruno Barel, such as to exclaim to some participants: " but the Communists have returned to Victor? "observations, deductions and risks of megavolumetrie he feared impending clash, in my opinion, against the reality of things in the centers of the Veneto province: in our area increase of 20% of the volume will be resolved for the most part in increasing volume equal to a room ( many large companies are failing these days? ), and all these fears are a photocopy of the center of the allegations, the opposition made to the Regional Government.
course new problems will arise, for example, in drafting the Act 10 and ex 46, achieved in the new room extension can be connected to the heating of the house, maybe have an old oil boiler: In this case you will draw up the design for one room or the entire system (with all issues related )? And many others like it will be solved with openness and common sense (a very rare commodity ).
to a question the public rhetoric apparently considered the obvious answer, when asked if he would be happy to Vittorio Veneto, to see implementation of a new volume with increases of up to 40% of the volume of Italcementi I, as a architect, creative with a great sense of ethics that does not limit the prejudices, but I think I can answer: 1 - if such a structure, and relative increase in volume, were given away to the usual to make known the answer would obviously be speculative apartments no ( but here nothing to do with the housing plan, rather we should ask to account those who govern and control the city ) 2 - but if any public or private institution would make a new, real, social structure or tourism for the City would be idiots not to support this initiative. Each rule can be used for the worse or for better (the famous free will ...) but the prejudices limited understanding and solving problems.
We see, then, for a time from a positive concept that the House plan is designed to move the economy and work as a method of recovery of such speculative, outdated, and to encourage the use of energy recovery technologies, without however blindfold in front of the superficiality and inconsistency typical of emergency plans and, alas, the contemporary lawmaking ... Let's take it as an opportunity, together with all 'use of renewable energy to reshape the architectural image of our City ( in what I agree with the lawyer ) and distributed by the classic study in humility to create new models by the method of small steps and not continuing revolution: the Porsche, was born in the 50s, has been in a time of continuous technical and stylistic not continuous revolutions.
the 70 in our country is instead swept the model ( left) of the revolution at any cost. In school, at work, in Social Justice in the watchword was always "continuous testing", without ever stopping to make a budget, to see if the methods used have achieved the desired results then in power to become , in every field, the most severe deniers, and the results are there for all to see: a school to ensure that rates tailored to remove more limited interest to most talented, continues to churn out ignorant, even if it produces more and more unemployed people with degree, resulting in results have led to the Italians, clerical deserting the great resource of manual labor, especially in construction and furniture, which had made us great in the world, working in almost equalization of wages of the young apprentice with the team leader, with decades of experience, they destroyed the mechanisms of learning the job and the correct hierarchy in society the satisfaction of the ego has destroyed any possibility of aggregation: family first, then faith and social behaviors are paying the irreparable consequences ; in justice and the doing good left free to commit crimes continues to leave legions of repeat offenders. In building the model of the "container "So the 70 are called the building blocks of new city built with the sole function of containing the people, as this was a lot to put in some things and not a collection of individuals with individual needs and equal rights, has destroyed the classic sense of urbanism born in our country when other people were still living a semi-nomadic life.
Another serious problem is the mass of continuous innovation in building materials, which are often chosen for convenience or cost fashion, it was not possible to test them adequately in time, all duly certified as sustainable and, above all, bioecocompatibili: remember that the house , especially with i prezzi odierni, costa enormi sacrifici di una vita e dovrebbe essere fatta per durare almeno una vita, specie se pensiamo che gran parte della popolazione vive in case che di generazioni ne hanno vissute tante! E che l’Ambiente va salvaguardato. Attenzione dunque, poiché oggi si deve rimuovere l’Eternit, causa di tante crudeli morti!
Siamo chiamati ad una scelta su case di durata limitata o case rinnovabili nel tempo da lasciare ai figli: vista la nostra tendenza a copiare il sistema americano consumistico ed il Mercato che la fa da padrone, si fanno già case che non durano al prezzo di case durature; l’introduzione di nuove metodologie, per il risparmio energetico e della sicurezza antisismica, faranno ulteriormente fluttuare il prezzo; il tema merita quindi un grande momento di riflessione collettiva ma in particolare di chi imprende, pena la sua rapida scomparsa.
Per quanto riguarda il libretto della casa, tanto strombazzato come certificato di qualità, non dimentichiamo che i libretti delle auto e quelli delle medicine, entrambi da sempre esistenti, non dicono tutta la verità, infatti le auto consumano molto di più di quanto le Case automobilistiche dichiarano e le medicine non ottengono i risultati che promettono, quando almeno non creano gravi danni; ma certo visto che il cosiddetto consumatore informato è stato ormai predisposto ( di persone che sappiano muovere le mani ce ne sono ormai ben poche, la maggioranza è stata resa non in grado di comprendere diversity alone, and then trust what they say the programs, sponsorship, TV ) to claim the book of the house, it certainly will arrive also to create new confusion, attesting perhaps as good old speculators most advanced manufacturers in the field of advertising, thrown in the trash and small businesses that historical, less conscious of the importance of the current marcheting, have made their only building quality standards. But are not these "geniuses" of the hard marcheting those responsible for the failures of over 94 banks in ten months of 2009 in the U.S.? And 'a must here also a deep reflection.
And if we also put a rant of aesthetic qualities architecture ( lawyer, at least let him do the architects ... ) dreamed of a territory of model homes to Wright, and blaming the designers of the overall low level, even if some part of truth in what is, we can not forget some key points: In the flood-regulatory, B - the "quality" of the client, C - the power of the market, D - the effectiveness of the public control, and - the quality of the designers. For regulatory flood
A-I mean a mass introductions of laws, and misdeeds are often in conflict, which every day come through the Internet to make life impossible for designers and offices control, with the only result of increased project costs, fatigue, practice and travel to the irresponsibility of public officials, a recent example: fence of wooden posts and wire a house in the hills, 12 cm thick folder. , local practice, practice environmental goods, the mountain community practice, practice forester; total time allowed for the 9 months, 4 days time to implement. work, and not to mention the cost ... In this chaos, the designer finds himself caring more formal and bureaucratic aspects of the rightful demands of beautiful and functional, that is the beautiful and good, as defined by the ancient Greeks ( Kalos kai Agathos ).
B - The fruits of industrial society and business will find themselves faced with the tastes of the nouveaux riches: there is no room in the home libraries to be replaced by the mega-screen TV ( megastronzate to sip, soap operas and subliminal orders of the economic and political ), the house and the car must be big and luxurious (like Dallas) or minimalist or retro, since the architecture of today, immersed in the current general decline of the customs and culture, rarely knows and can live and condition and its Our Time.
C - All the rhetoric about the quality then, in practice, clash with the interests of economic operators building, how can we hope as long as the city remains captive ignorant of entrepreneurs, who are used to operate in almost a monopoly, to build projects on a "copy and paste" without building and architectural quality but with very different levels of revenue, whose sole interest is a profit to the more unimaginable?
D - The public scrutiny is expressed too often practices in fatigue, the "power of the bureaucracy" when it submits itself to the powers that be, political or economic, or even worse when it does not become armed robbery of a political party against ' Directors in office, or when it is essentially denial. Waiting times have dramatically decrease (eg Vittorio Veneto urban variants 8 and 9, in the finishing straight, were started in 2002, adopted in 2004 and waited until now, the regional results, with the result that the building areas that are now available, thanks to the crisis, can not find buyers at the time) and the result is plain for everyone to no end delays, certification, sworn, mountains of papers, but it is very rare to find the architectural quality in the area: Another important theme for reflection, bureaucratic fatigue Italy is in fact killing the system ( in Germany to participate in a tender is compiled an A4 with a few crosses in Canada ... the practices they are very quick and simple, sure who makes the smart go to jail )
E - the quality of projects affected by the deterioration of education, culture, social world, in a society that has decided not to select the best, political affiliation and friendship with powerful choices are almost mandatory for profit, given that the objective is trumpeted as a right and left but, in fact, the only thing sought after today's money, with only rare exceptions research artistic models of cultural, technological and functional gives way to the usual "educated" and empty conventions, where most part to be present and the few interested in the subject if they return home regularly demotivated. Claiming that the
then informs his client DL (Decree 380 ) for abuse is irrational, implausible, and demonstrates the waiver of the State to perform its duties and, simultaneously, will be able to count, however, on a scapegoat on which you can dump the harsh hand of the law ... and the inevitable fines.
Thus, a lawyer, please do not throw stones against the designers only, otherwise rimbeccare could blame the lawyers of quality, time and outcomes of processes, and shout to the spreaders for all criminals, large and small, and our imports, which moving too liberal for all the beloved national soil ( with this remark I finished bring up my dear classmate ).
Returning to the general theme at the conference to Josephine, is noteworthy, however, the effort of Town Planning of the City of Vittorio Veneto to prepare the forms of so-called simplification that I believe, however, may serve to simplify the delivery to the offices but even more tiring the usual professional and I especially concerned with the final affidavit certifying that the proposed project, under a waiver of the Regional Housing Plan, prepared in accordance with zoning and building regulations, municipal: from the standpoint of criminal law, I wonder , what will happen to those projects that criminal legalization of de facto operations absolutely not provided, even in obvious contrast with the municipal urban planning tools, but in order with the housing plan? You would really appreciate a legal opinion.
From The Mayor King commented saying that there is so much confusion in the field, but with great simplicity, he sincerely asked the participants' contribution to the conference to find a line of shared action.
I hope this house plan, despite its restrictions congenital to the city centers, it is an occasion, one step in the objective of recovery of city centers and the arrangement of the zones A, not an additional problem: if you really want to put in start the recovery of vital city centers should bring us people, jobs and commerce, life is not just museums, and in order to achieve this objective, the regulatory and bureaucratic ties with courage and vision must be mitigated, not increasing as it is happening, otherwise we will transform the historic centers empty monuments in need of care by continually falling costs of a bit ', I fear, too much for the community.
I believe that even if times are tight, it should be a select committee appointed by the Mayor also supported by representatives of the self-employed citizens.
Thank you for your attention, patience and hope to have made some modest contribution, I extend my best regards. Dr. Flavio FRANCO Arch
Friday, September 25, 2009
Contradictory Proverbs/sayings
ATM and Society One
ATM today has 57 employees including 3 employees, 10 auxiliary workshops, etc., and 44 drivers. It runs with its own resources
ca. 1,500,000 km per year, of which about 870,000 km. with buses in Vittorio Veneto and Conegliano, 320,000 km of which approx. means serving suburban Sacile, Montaner, etc., of which 290,000 km approx. with appropriate means and luxurious and two drivers on board.
ATM SpA is owned by the town of Vittorio Veneto for the majority share of 89.99%; ATVO (urban and suburban services to San Donà and Jesolo etc..) Owns 10%, only the Province of Treviso 0, 01%.
Until a few years ago, ATM was seriously indebted, for some years but is active in the budget with 80 000 + € approx.
has a heritage building recently appraised for a value of several million €: could remain assets of the City of Vittorio Veneto, or be incorporated into the new League One at the appraised value, may also be placed in the housing market but the correct value in order to clear the range of possible real estate speculation, assumptions may be other, confirming the sensitivity of the choices.
The image of the company, active in real, is therefore more than satisfactory.
build a unique company of public transport to the province of Treviso, certainly not inspired by the recovery of companies in crisis, but the comprehensive reassessment of public transport Provincial effectively improve end-user service town by town, streamline costs and create a new entity to compete more strongly in the coming decades in neighboring views with other big reality is an ambitious goal, and the correct step with the times.
Certainly this must be done, not to arouse doubts and unscrupulous opposition, only through a passage in which all data have been examined, explored and made transparent and, above all, establishing a competent and impartial real consistency and the roles of individual companies for to be absorbed by the new single subject.
has proposed the merger, other passages, and, lastly, the creation of a single company in merging the existing companies, but the definition of outstanding proposals is not, in my opinion, the reality of ATM with a clear and unjustified imbalance in favor of other companies, however, the consequence of which would reduce the role of management and power of an ATM, relegating the only company really healthy last place in the ranking, with predictable effects also on the new service to local public transport to and from Vittorio Veneto Vittorio Veneto.
Good thing would be to prepare a realistic schedule (taking into account the current fleet, their use of specific destinations and specific tasks of the "human material") of lines and stops throughout the province served by the new single subject of public transport in order to be able to actually verify the real effectiveness in the territory for actual improvement in overall service of municipalities served and those in anticipation of changes and / or additions to the service in any case they are clearly marked and / or deleted racing, waiting times, the beginning and end of service day and holidays, the projected costs of tickets and passes.
If you want, with current computer technology and tools based on a proven back ground document in the possession of every company involved, it is easier than it may seem, certainly such an objective study to clear the way initiative by doubts and passions, and expose any opposition and political exploitation.
could also be useful to know whether the 2% approx. , Which corresponds to the estimate of the size and value of ATM currently expressed by companies that are responsible, would annually into the coffers of ATM, and then of Vittoria that have always helped and supported this holding, those who today are € 80,000 per annum Budget in surplus, or rather (since the property of the town of Vittorio Veneto Vittorio Veneto, and then the citizens is only 89.99%) are € 72,000 per annum: but further significant parameter to consider.
To consider the fact that would be to reverse the endemic tendency to "export" important services from the city of Vittorio Veneto in other centers to try to give back to our city centripetal role.
I hope I have contributed a clarity to the final decision, remember, it is only at meetings of shareholders of the companies concerned, not with their SO that they can only express opinions on the matter.
ATM today has 57 employees including 3 employees, 10 auxiliary workshops, etc., and 44 drivers. It runs with its own resources
ca. 1,500,000 km per year, of which about 870,000 km. with buses in Vittorio Veneto and Conegliano, 320,000 km of which approx. means serving suburban Sacile, Montaner, etc., of which 290,000 km approx. with appropriate means and luxurious and two drivers on board.
ATM SpA is owned by the town of Vittorio Veneto for the majority share of 89.99%; ATVO (urban and suburban services to San Donà and Jesolo etc..) Owns 10%, only the Province of Treviso 0, 01%.
Until a few years ago, ATM was seriously indebted, for some years but is active in the budget with 80 000 + € approx.
has a heritage building recently appraised for a value of several million €: could remain assets of the City of Vittorio Veneto, or be incorporated into the new League One at the appraised value, may also be placed in the housing market but the correct value in order to clear the range of possible real estate speculation, assumptions may be other, confirming the sensitivity of the choices.
The image of the company, active in real, is therefore more than satisfactory.
build a unique company of public transport to the province of Treviso, certainly not inspired by the recovery of companies in crisis, but the comprehensive reassessment of public transport Provincial effectively improve end-user service town by town, streamline costs and create a new entity to compete more strongly in the coming decades in neighboring views with other big reality is an ambitious goal, and the correct step with the times.
Certainly this must be done, not to arouse doubts and unscrupulous opposition, only through a passage in which all data have been examined, explored and made transparent and, above all, establishing a competent and impartial real consistency and the roles of individual companies for to be absorbed by the new single subject.
has proposed the merger, other passages, and, lastly, the creation of a single company in merging the existing companies, but the definition of outstanding proposals is not, in my opinion, the reality of ATM with a clear and unjustified imbalance in favor of other companies, however, the consequence of which would reduce the role of management and power of an ATM, relegating the only company really healthy last place in the ranking, with predictable effects also on the new service to local public transport to and from Vittorio Veneto Vittorio Veneto.
Good thing would be to prepare a realistic schedule (taking into account the current fleet, their use of specific destinations and specific tasks of the "human material") of lines and stops throughout the province served by the new single subject of public transport in order to be able to actually verify the real effectiveness in the territory for actual improvement in overall service of municipalities served and those in anticipation of changes and / or additions to the service in any case they are clearly marked and / or deleted racing, waiting times, the beginning and end of service day and holidays, the projected costs of tickets and passes.
If you want, with current computer technology and tools based on a proven back ground document in the possession of every company involved, it is easier than it may seem, certainly such an objective study to clear the way initiative by doubts and passions, and expose any opposition and political exploitation.
could also be useful to know whether the 2% approx. , Which corresponds to the estimate of the size and value of ATM currently expressed by companies that are responsible, would annually into the coffers of ATM, and then of Vittoria that have always helped and supported this holding, those who today are € 80,000 per annum Budget in surplus, or rather (since the property of the town of Vittorio Veneto Vittorio Veneto, and then the citizens is only 89.99%) are € 72,000 per annum: but further significant parameter to consider.
To consider the fact that would be to reverse the endemic tendency to "export" important services from the city of Vittorio Veneto in other centers to try to give back to our city centripetal role.
I hope I have contributed a clarity to the final decision, remember, it is only at meetings of shareholders of the companies concerned, not with their SO that they can only express opinions on the matter.
Short Messages New To Greet New Born Baby
2009 9 25 The Bell of "doing good"
The bell doing good and the guarantor shall not play anymore.
E 'played the time of the abolition of certain so-called freedom and security.
can no longer accept this new Middle Ages of barbarian invasions and harassment to honest people, capable, honest.
The strong powers of capitalism and the union have removed all canceled each value meritocracy and reward yes men mediocre bureaucrats and opportunists, crooks, corrupt and corrupting ensuring, promoting homosexuality and perversions, preferring foreign, socially and economically to our people, delivering money to the mafia 'associationism information disguised as non-profit, and beat in every way the honest, the weak, the intelligent, the best, the Italians, the scientists, the real men of culture, the poor, the weak strong, weak with strong, have annihilated the people with having divided but united by money and power. Some of the foreigners live
we commit crimes, some want to live with us arrogantly dictating its rules, saying in words but in deeds of wanting to integrate demand and get Koranic schools, to dress up in a burka, to continue their practice of infibulation of women and killing wives and daughters to slaughter for bleeding, to pray during working hours, to have more than one wife ... no one stop them (but the feminists and the animals where they are?), to remove our religious symbols and even abolish School nativity scenes and Christian holidays, in fact we are dealing with and replacing with the support of the usual traitors who drank yak milk Stalin's table or attend "certain" sacristy.
Call here for a few months of their older, their sick their various wives at our expense and make them care, make him get pensions or other refreshments, and then send them home with the savings accumulated
here ... But there are also other foreigners silent that go unnoticed, but no less dangerous: in fact continue to buy all of our activities in deep trouble and, for the most part ... although the deterioration in the situation, "with who knows what feats" can even keep them open and keep luxuriously entire families, where before the usual "incapable" of Italians were forced to close for not eating the life savings !
Comprano titoli di studio, patenti, certificati di soggiorno e quanto altro mentre l’unico lavoro che “apparentemente” fanno è stare di giorno al bar con 2/3 telefonini, in capannelli che somigliano troppo ad associazioni a delinquere che solo la giustizia non riesce a cogliere; ma poi di notte spariscono in continuazione attrezzature dai cantieri, vi sono continui furti nelle case nelle scuole nelle chiese nei negozi, proliferano prostitute sulle strade, sguazzano ricettatori e venditori senza scrupoli, si trovano siringhe e pasticche persino nelle scuole elementari.
Fin da giovanissimi si riuniscono in bande minorili dedite a scorribande, malversazioni, spaccio, intimidazioni e spedizioni punitive, stupri e percosse, even in a small town like that of Vittorio Veneto.
nodes come home to roost: an illegal immigrant for years he attended the bar without anyone's dream to "bother" to ask for the documents, in these last days before a band has intimidated two young "delinquent", and who knows what would have happened if people were not coming to their rescue, then on a city street was a deaf girl who was raped and faced with the fact that the 14 year old friend has not tried anything to help, the Justice asked why this young woman has been afraid of a Morocco, which they also fear any woman over, a Moroccan, with no residence permit and works only occasionally.
Ask yourself what would happen if an Italian father decided to cut the throats of the alien guilty of turn, as did the Arab with his daughter, but the answer is already there from the charges of excess defense of the jeweler violently beaten and robbed ...
Wake people, picks up those scraps of dignity, honor and courage, even if you have, and how many you shoot down the democratically exploit them, make fun of you and supporting you all are ruining the spiritual social and economic: if you want. Wake
foreign sincere and well and to show your integrity, your complaint who gross substance of a man who undermines your peaceful coexistence with people has always been generous, if soon you will not want could end up paying for the faults of others, complements your children and teach them love and respect for their new homeland, for our purposes, our laws and our traditions.
For others it is now time to firmly understand that there are rules and should be respected or if they return to their home!
many think as I do not want to cooperate with those responsible for this new middle ages, they do not want their children to live in a hellish casbah, join my blog:
Your voice, my voice, our voice Free
And that Our Lady will help us in this revival of the values \u200b\u200bof dignity and firmness, without yearning for violence or revenge.
The bell doing good and the guarantor shall not play anymore.
E 'played the time of the abolition of certain so-called freedom and security.
can no longer accept this new Middle Ages of barbarian invasions and harassment to honest people, capable, honest.
The strong powers of capitalism and the union have removed all canceled each value meritocracy and reward yes men mediocre bureaucrats and opportunists, crooks, corrupt and corrupting ensuring, promoting homosexuality and perversions, preferring foreign, socially and economically to our people, delivering money to the mafia 'associationism information disguised as non-profit, and beat in every way the honest, the weak, the intelligent, the best, the Italians, the scientists, the real men of culture, the poor, the weak strong, weak with strong, have annihilated the people with having divided but united by money and power. Some of the foreigners live
we commit crimes, some want to live with us arrogantly dictating its rules, saying in words but in deeds of wanting to integrate demand and get Koranic schools, to dress up in a burka, to continue their practice of infibulation of women and killing wives and daughters to slaughter for bleeding, to pray during working hours, to have more than one wife ... no one stop them (but the feminists and the animals where they are?), to remove our religious symbols and even abolish School nativity scenes and Christian holidays, in fact we are dealing with and replacing with the support of the usual traitors who drank yak milk Stalin's table or attend "certain" sacristy.
Call here for a few months of their older, their sick their various wives at our expense and make them care, make him get pensions or other refreshments, and then send them home with the savings accumulated
here ... But there are also other foreigners silent that go unnoticed, but no less dangerous: in fact continue to buy all of our activities in deep trouble and, for the most part ... although the deterioration in the situation, "with who knows what feats" can even keep them open and keep luxuriously entire families, where before the usual "incapable" of Italians were forced to close for not eating the life savings !
Comprano titoli di studio, patenti, certificati di soggiorno e quanto altro mentre l’unico lavoro che “apparentemente” fanno è stare di giorno al bar con 2/3 telefonini, in capannelli che somigliano troppo ad associazioni a delinquere che solo la giustizia non riesce a cogliere; ma poi di notte spariscono in continuazione attrezzature dai cantieri, vi sono continui furti nelle case nelle scuole nelle chiese nei negozi, proliferano prostitute sulle strade, sguazzano ricettatori e venditori senza scrupoli, si trovano siringhe e pasticche persino nelle scuole elementari.
Fin da giovanissimi si riuniscono in bande minorili dedite a scorribande, malversazioni, spaccio, intimidazioni e spedizioni punitive, stupri e percosse, even in a small town like that of Vittorio Veneto.
nodes come home to roost: an illegal immigrant for years he attended the bar without anyone's dream to "bother" to ask for the documents, in these last days before a band has intimidated two young "delinquent", and who knows what would have happened if people were not coming to their rescue, then on a city street was a deaf girl who was raped and faced with the fact that the 14 year old friend has not tried anything to help, the Justice asked why this young woman has been afraid of a Morocco, which they also fear any woman over, a Moroccan, with no residence permit and works only occasionally.
Ask yourself what would happen if an Italian father decided to cut the throats of the alien guilty of turn, as did the Arab with his daughter, but the answer is already there from the charges of excess defense of the jeweler violently beaten and robbed ...
Wake people, picks up those scraps of dignity, honor and courage, even if you have, and how many you shoot down the democratically exploit them, make fun of you and supporting you all are ruining the spiritual social and economic: if you want. Wake
foreign sincere and well and to show your integrity, your complaint who gross substance of a man who undermines your peaceful coexistence with people has always been generous, if soon you will not want could end up paying for the faults of others, complements your children and teach them love and respect for their new homeland, for our purposes, our laws and our traditions.
For others it is now time to firmly understand that there are rules and should be respected or if they return to their home!
many think as I do not want to cooperate with those responsible for this new middle ages, they do not want their children to live in a hellish casbah, join my blog:
Your voice, my voice, our voice Free
And that Our Lady will help us in this revival of the values \u200b\u200bof dignity and firmness, without yearning for violence or revenge.
New Piercing Infection Vinegar
2009 9 24 and read spread (kiriosomega)
The supreme commander of U.S. Forces in the European chessboard, General Eisenhower, in his "War Diary" wrote: "The surrender of Italy was a dirty business. All the nations listed in their history, wars won and lost wars, but L ' ITALY AND 'THE ONLY TO HAVE LOST THE WAR WITH dishonor SAVED ONLY IN PART BY THE SACRIFICE OF FIGHTERS CSR.
General Alexander, he wrote: "The Allied armies in Italy" - "... the fact is that the Italian government decided to capitulate, not because you saw incapable of offering further resistance, but why he came, AS IN THE PAST THE TIME OF JUMP ON THE SIDE OF THE WINNER .... "
From "The Memoirs of Marshal MONTGOMERY, commander of the 8th British Army: "... the turnaround ITALIAN eight in September was the greatest betrayal of the story ...".
And yet the "secret notebook of Winston Churchill, British prime minister:" ... after the defection ITALIAN ONLY WE COULD GET THE WIN .... "
But even in the "History of diplomacy Potemkin, Soviet Ambassador in Rome, says:" ... Italy was true to his character of a jackal INTERNATIONAL, always seeking remuneration for his trade ... ".
The supreme commander of U.S. Forces in the European chessboard, General Eisenhower, in his "War Diary" wrote: "The surrender of Italy was a dirty business. All the nations listed in their history, wars won and lost wars, but L ' ITALY AND 'THE ONLY TO HAVE LOST THE WAR WITH dishonor SAVED ONLY IN PART BY THE SACRIFICE OF FIGHTERS CSR.
General Alexander, he wrote: "The Allied armies in Italy" - "... the fact is that the Italian government decided to capitulate, not because you saw incapable of offering further resistance, but why he came, AS IN THE PAST THE TIME OF JUMP ON THE SIDE OF THE WINNER .... "
From "The Memoirs of Marshal MONTGOMERY, commander of the 8th British Army: "... the turnaround ITALIAN eight in September was the greatest betrayal of the story ...".
And yet the "secret notebook of Winston Churchill, British prime minister:" ... after the defection ITALIAN ONLY WE COULD GET THE WIN .... "
But even in the "History of diplomacy Potemkin, Soviet Ambassador in Rome, says:" ... Italy was true to his character of a jackal INTERNATIONAL, always seeking remuneration for his trade ... ".
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Morrowind No Disc Patch
2009 8 26 Meeting of August 25, 2009
interesting is the learned and profound speech at the conference yesterday on the sanctity of August 25, father of Octavius De Bertolis, professor at the Gregorian in Rome, aims to "explain the Pope" a long and engaging flow of ideas, phrases and words of the highest level, fully grasped in its multiple facets and culturally significant only for mature audiences.
The Pivot the conference, which is related to the intervention of Bishop Mgr. Pizziolo that perfect speech understood by all, has given its targeted apporto alla trattazione di un argomento assai difficile anche per gli aspetti teologico-dottrinali.
Peccato che una certa sinistra non abbia saputo resistere alla solita presunzione di volersi sempre attestare come esclusivo detentore e difensore della cultura invitando ad un convegno per “specialisti” il sindaco di Venezia Cacciari che, prima di esser filosofo è stato uomo dell’ultra sinistra ed è il politico che gestisce Venezia.
Il Veneziano Cacciari, cui nessuno disconosce intelligenza e cultura, ha navigato in acque fluide con reminescenze e citazioni sul sacro, da cui traspariva la sua mancanza di Fede che egli stesso in vari interventi pubblici onestamente ebbe a dichiarare, senza dare un contributo originale.
Ma apart from a few outside observers and a few exceptions, the good people of the mouth of the Left, however, appreciated and applauded dutifully. Bishop
Pizziolo pastor of his civil and religious community, it has perfectly fulfilled the task of proceeding with guest affability and assonance with its mission and the motto on his coat of arms "omnia propter Evangelium". A note
really out of tune but I have learned (if I heard correctly) when Father De Bertolis said the Vltava (the river that flows in Prague) rather than now with the "system liberalconsumista" gave the best performance during the period of 'Communist occupation: unbridled capitalism and communism are two sides of the same heel that crushes freedom men and, most importantly the Communist invasion and occupation has made the 68 dead prisoners, detention and deportation for life, not to mention the typical cultural oppression of communism, then I do not think that these facts may have to modify the 'aspect of the Vltava river may have much less the better!
In the end, considering the simplicity of St. Francis, Padre Pio, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, of all the saints, their love and sacrifice for others, to the grace of God that made them saints, one wonders how many of those who were present at the "drawing room" yesterday, in some dialectical treatment substantially comparable to diatribes Medieval theologians, have not even remotely understood the meaning of holiness.
interesting is the learned and profound speech at the conference yesterday on the sanctity of August 25, father of Octavius De Bertolis, professor at the Gregorian in Rome, aims to "explain the Pope" a long and engaging flow of ideas, phrases and words of the highest level, fully grasped in its multiple facets and culturally significant only for mature audiences.
The Pivot the conference, which is related to the intervention of Bishop Mgr. Pizziolo that perfect speech understood by all, has given its targeted apporto alla trattazione di un argomento assai difficile anche per gli aspetti teologico-dottrinali.
Peccato che una certa sinistra non abbia saputo resistere alla solita presunzione di volersi sempre attestare come esclusivo detentore e difensore della cultura invitando ad un convegno per “specialisti” il sindaco di Venezia Cacciari che, prima di esser filosofo è stato uomo dell’ultra sinistra ed è il politico che gestisce Venezia.
Il Veneziano Cacciari, cui nessuno disconosce intelligenza e cultura, ha navigato in acque fluide con reminescenze e citazioni sul sacro, da cui traspariva la sua mancanza di Fede che egli stesso in vari interventi pubblici onestamente ebbe a dichiarare, senza dare un contributo originale.
Ma apart from a few outside observers and a few exceptions, the good people of the mouth of the Left, however, appreciated and applauded dutifully. Bishop
Pizziolo pastor of his civil and religious community, it has perfectly fulfilled the task of proceeding with guest affability and assonance with its mission and the motto on his coat of arms "omnia propter Evangelium". A note
really out of tune but I have learned (if I heard correctly) when Father De Bertolis said the Vltava (the river that flows in Prague) rather than now with the "system liberalconsumista" gave the best performance during the period of 'Communist occupation: unbridled capitalism and communism are two sides of the same heel that crushes freedom men and, most importantly the Communist invasion and occupation has made the 68 dead prisoners, detention and deportation for life, not to mention the typical cultural oppression of communism, then I do not think that these facts may have to modify the 'aspect of the Vltava river may have much less the better!
In the end, considering the simplicity of St. Francis, Padre Pio, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, of all the saints, their love and sacrifice for others, to the grace of God that made them saints, one wonders how many of those who were present at the "drawing room" yesterday, in some dialectical treatment substantially comparable to diatribes Medieval theologians, have not even remotely understood the meaning of holiness.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
External Speakers 32 Lg Lcd Tv
The Hippocratic Oath
Classic Text:
"I swear by Apollo and Asclepius and Hygieia and medical Panacea and all the gods and goddesses all, calling witnesses, who will perform in accordance with the forces and I believe this oath and this written commitment: to estimate my master of this art as my father and live with him and help him if he needs and will consider her children as brothers and teach this art if they want to learn, to make participants of precepts and oral teachings and doctrine of each other my children and my children's teacher and the students bound by a contract and be bound by the oath of a physician, but no one else. regulate the content life for the good of the sick according to my strength and my opinion, I will not harm and offense. Do not administer to anyone, even if required, a deadly drug, nor suggest such counsel, similarly to any woman I will give an abortifacient drug. With innocence and purity I will guard my life and my art. Did not draw those who suffer harm stone, but I will turn to those who are experts in this activity. In every house I go, I will come to the relief of the sick, and I shall refrain from offensive and malicious damage, and by the way any action by corrupting the bodies of women and men, free and slave. What I may see or hear during my year or year out on the lives of men, I shall conceal what you do not need to be disclosed, feeling like a secret like. And to me, then, to fulfill an oath and does not trample, be allowed to enjoy life and art, honored of all men for ever happen to me if the other violates it and if perjury. "
current text:
"Aware of the importance and solemnity of the Act do, and that he is committed, I swear to practice medicine in freedom and independence of mind and behavior, for the sole purpose of pursuing defense of life, protection of physical and mental health and the relief of human suffering, which will inspire continued commitment and responsibility with scientific, cultural and social, all my professional action; not to commit acts likely to never intentionally cause the death of a patient to stick to ethical principles in my business of human solidarity, against which, in respect of life and the person will never use my knowledge, use of my work with diligence, skill and prudence in good faith and observing the rules of ethics governing the practice of medicine and and legal persons that are not in conflict with the goals of my profession, my reputation to rely solely on my professional skills and to My moral qualities, to avoid, even outside the exercise professional conduct and any act prejudicial to the prestige and dignity of the profession to meet colleagues in case of conflict of opinions, to treat all my patients with equal care and commitment regardless of the feelings they inspire me and without any distinction of race, religion, nationality, social status and political ideology, to provide emergency care to any patient who needs it and put in the case of public calamity , to the competent authority, to respect and facilitate in every case the patient's right to free choice of doctor given that the relationship between doctor and paziente è fondato sulla fiducia e in ogni caso sul reciproco rispetto; di osservare il segreto su tutto ciò che mi è confidato, che vedo o che ho veduto, inteso o intuito nell'esercizio della mia professione o in ragione del mio stato".
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
How Much Is A Gold Plated Desert Eagle?
L’uomo è l’unico tra gli animali ad avere abbandonato la posizione a quattro zampe per portarsi eretto sui due piedi. La sua struttura corporea è, nel complesso, paragonabile a una stella a cinque punte: al tronco, composto di bacino, torace e spalle, sono connessi, come appendici, in alto il capo e le due braccia, in basso, le due gambe. Che cosa comporta per l'uomo una struttura body so unique? Firstly the constant quest for equilibrium, a necessary condition for the conduct of any business, be it static and dynamic.
should be quick to point out that the organization is body balance is a purely automatic depending on the severity. The human body, in fact, like all bodies in the earth's gravitational field, is subjected to the effect of weight or gravity, that attracts her to the center of the earth and tends to drop it if other forces do not oppose to it. To more accurately be said that the human body, being formed of multiple segments articulated to each other, is subjected to multiple forces, the result of these various forces of gravity has an application point on the body, called the center of gravity or center of gravity, which varies with the change of positions. It is in the upright position on the plane of the body, before the third vertebra to the level of its upper edge. Mechanical equilibrium position is defined, one in which a vertical line from the center of gravity falls within the polygon of support or base.
is clear that the animals that walk on four legs have no difficulty in maintaining the balance of the extent of their support base. In man standing can be considered as an achievement, attuatasi during the evolution of species. It si è via via sostituita alla stabilità dei quattro appoggi, che obbliga piedi e mani a svolgere una funzione di sostegno, mentre il capo, parallelo al suolo, non può che guardare verso terra.
L'ascesa verso l'alto e il raggiungimento della posizione eretta ha permesso di liberare le mani, divenute così disponibili per altre funzioni, e il capo, come un periscopio, diviene libero di guardare verso terra, verso il cielo e lungo tutto l'arco del suo orizzonte. La posizione eretta nell'uomo deve essere considerata come una pietra miliare faticosamente raggiunta, sia da un punto di vista filogenetico (evoluzione della specie) che ontogenetico (evoluzione e sviluppo del singolo individuo).
Lapierre a questo proposito osserva: "This balance of supervision and availability also expresses the psychological behavior of the subject: self-confidence, balance, openness to the outside world, openness to the action."
We mentioned earlier that the organization is body balance is a purely automatic in response to the stimulus consists of the weight on the proprioceptive receptors (plantar cenesthetic, labyrinthine and visual), are put in place the reflexes of balance, which lead to an adjustment as final result of the degree of tension in antigravity muscles, just enough to balance gravity. This adjustment
neuromotrice postural tone is implemented in a completely unconscious; standing and all it involves is organized, in fact, a section of the nervous system located below the motor cortex and only a small part of the complex work is done on a conscious level.
You become aware of the antigravity muscles only when the voluntary change of their business is done with clear consciousness. "You're right" you say to kids, or: "Straighten your back, lower back, do not tilt his head, pretending to achieve this with a lasting change in their position and the miraculous removal of compensation that have been introduced gradually and without no awareness by the subject in order to keep the body in balance. The attitude of the human postural usual solution is the staff that he has found to stay in balance in both static and dynamic conditions, it is closely related to the structure of its body schema and implies a high capacity for coordination of sensory reflexes motori.Cerchiamo-hours to understand what is the optimal balance to which we must strive. It is common observation that all men be they children, adults or the elderly, although they are morphologically different, still manage to stay in balance, standing, walking or running. Everyone makes their own way of balancing global, maintaining the necessary and sufficient condition which is to succeed, however, to drop a vertical line from the center of gravity in the cradle. What varies greatly in different cases is the relationship between various segments of the body between them and the greater or lesser amount of energy used to maintain balance.
Among the many possible ways to stay in balance we should strive towards that which requires little muscular effort, based on minor adjustments of postural tone in response to the continuous changes of stimulation that propiocettori suffer following the relocation of the various segments of the body.
Only if the balance is maintained with minimal muscular work and a high capacità di coordinazione neuromotoria del tono posturale si può parlare di equilibrio ottimale, perché solo in questo caso i muscoli possono essere disponibili all'azione; il movimento è pertanto libero di esprimersi in ogni direzione, in ogni momento.
L'equilibrio che si può definire "normale" è per ogni individuo quello vicino alla stabilità meccanica. Questo tipo di equilibrio è caratterizzato da due importanti condizioni:
è economico sul piano meccanico, perché non richiede un impegno muscolare importante; basta, infatti, uno sforzo molto piccolo per essere mantenuto e ristabilito;
è impegnativo sul piano neurologico in quanto richiede una grande capacità di risposta dei recettori proprioceptive stimuli of duration and intensity, even very small, so it absolutely clear to modulate the tone of the muscles that oppose gravity.
From what we have said that education comes the balance and the achievement of a correct position, both static and dynamic, is connected primarily with the education of the neuro-motor sensations, urged by the force of gravity (sensations evoked by the force of gravity are: the muscle strain, ligament tension, the feeling of flexion and extension of joints and also feelings of plantar pressure, visual sensations, feelings of imbalance due to the displacement of the otoliths, that receptors of the inner ear), and secondly, with the psychomotor education, involving the conscious appreciation of the perceptions coenesthetic.
The latter is necessary to correct any anomaly attitude. It is widely known that only an education can lead to the perception of the cortical nerve centers to exert a corrective influence on the links of automatic sensory-motor peripheral nerve centers. "
should be quick to point out that the organization is body balance is a purely automatic depending on the severity. The human body, in fact, like all bodies in the earth's gravitational field, is subjected to the effect of weight or gravity, that attracts her to the center of the earth and tends to drop it if other forces do not oppose to it. To more accurately be said that the human body, being formed of multiple segments articulated to each other, is subjected to multiple forces, the result of these various forces of gravity has an application point on the body, called the center of gravity or center of gravity, which varies with the change of positions. It is in the upright position on the plane of the body, before the third vertebra to the level of its upper edge. Mechanical equilibrium position is defined, one in which a vertical line from the center of gravity falls within the polygon of support or base.
is clear that the animals that walk on four legs have no difficulty in maintaining the balance of the extent of their support base. In man standing can be considered as an achievement, attuatasi during the evolution of species. It si è via via sostituita alla stabilità dei quattro appoggi, che obbliga piedi e mani a svolgere una funzione di sostegno, mentre il capo, parallelo al suolo, non può che guardare verso terra.
L'ascesa verso l'alto e il raggiungimento della posizione eretta ha permesso di liberare le mani, divenute così disponibili per altre funzioni, e il capo, come un periscopio, diviene libero di guardare verso terra, verso il cielo e lungo tutto l'arco del suo orizzonte. La posizione eretta nell'uomo deve essere considerata come una pietra miliare faticosamente raggiunta, sia da un punto di vista filogenetico (evoluzione della specie) che ontogenetico (evoluzione e sviluppo del singolo individuo).
Lapierre a questo proposito osserva: "This balance of supervision and availability also expresses the psychological behavior of the subject: self-confidence, balance, openness to the outside world, openness to the action."
We mentioned earlier that the organization is body balance is a purely automatic in response to the stimulus consists of the weight on the proprioceptive receptors (plantar cenesthetic, labyrinthine and visual), are put in place the reflexes of balance, which lead to an adjustment as final result of the degree of tension in antigravity muscles, just enough to balance gravity. This adjustment
neuromotrice postural tone is implemented in a completely unconscious; standing and all it involves is organized, in fact, a section of the nervous system located below the motor cortex and only a small part of the complex work is done on a conscious level.
You become aware of the antigravity muscles only when the voluntary change of their business is done with clear consciousness. "You're right" you say to kids, or: "Straighten your back, lower back, do not tilt his head, pretending to achieve this with a lasting change in their position and the miraculous removal of compensation that have been introduced gradually and without no awareness by the subject in order to keep the body in balance. The attitude of the human postural usual solution is the staff that he has found to stay in balance in both static and dynamic conditions, it is closely related to the structure of its body schema and implies a high capacity for coordination of sensory reflexes motori.Cerchiamo-hours to understand what is the optimal balance to which we must strive. It is common observation that all men be they children, adults or the elderly, although they are morphologically different, still manage to stay in balance, standing, walking or running. Everyone makes their own way of balancing global, maintaining the necessary and sufficient condition which is to succeed, however, to drop a vertical line from the center of gravity in the cradle. What varies greatly in different cases is the relationship between various segments of the body between them and the greater or lesser amount of energy used to maintain balance.
Among the many possible ways to stay in balance we should strive towards that which requires little muscular effort, based on minor adjustments of postural tone in response to the continuous changes of stimulation that propiocettori suffer following the relocation of the various segments of the body.
Only if the balance is maintained with minimal muscular work and a high capacità di coordinazione neuromotoria del tono posturale si può parlare di equilibrio ottimale, perché solo in questo caso i muscoli possono essere disponibili all'azione; il movimento è pertanto libero di esprimersi in ogni direzione, in ogni momento.
L'equilibrio che si può definire "normale" è per ogni individuo quello vicino alla stabilità meccanica. Questo tipo di equilibrio è caratterizzato da due importanti condizioni:
è economico sul piano meccanico, perché non richiede un impegno muscolare importante; basta, infatti, uno sforzo molto piccolo per essere mantenuto e ristabilito;
è impegnativo sul piano neurologico in quanto richiede una grande capacità di risposta dei recettori proprioceptive stimuli of duration and intensity, even very small, so it absolutely clear to modulate the tone of the muscles that oppose gravity.
From what we have said that education comes the balance and the achievement of a correct position, both static and dynamic, is connected primarily with the education of the neuro-motor sensations, urged by the force of gravity (sensations evoked by the force of gravity are: the muscle strain, ligament tension, the feeling of flexion and extension of joints and also feelings of plantar pressure, visual sensations, feelings of imbalance due to the displacement of the otoliths, that receptors of the inner ear), and secondly, with the psychomotor education, involving the conscious appreciation of the perceptions coenesthetic.
The latter is necessary to correct any anomaly attitude. It is widely known that only an education can lead to the perception of the cortical nerve centers to exert a corrective influence on the links of automatic sensory-motor peripheral nerve centers. "
L "Vitruvian Man", extraordinary example of human movement of Leonardo da Vinci , continues to effectively represent the concept of posture. Posture and 'a discovery of long standing. Has exactly the age 'of man, but much more' recent 'the science that studies it: The Posturology. The Posture and
nothing 'if not the attitude, the position that human beings have towards the environment in which they live. The posture is not 'just a fact "physical" but it' s also a form of communication, the relationship between man and his universo.L 'postural attitude speaks of man in the most' obvious and clear as possible. This is the 'body language, a language is not controllable by the will'. The body assumes a position that is often 'what you want, but which is' simultaneously in relation to gravity'.
posture contribute a significant number of elementicome the vestibulo-spinal and cervical spinal that through the perception of gravity 'and head position in space, activate the muscles of the spine and lower limbs. But the perception of position help eyesight, ears, proprioceptive information of the column and ligaments as well as' the stomatognathic apparatus, mandible, and the receptors and plantar skin. Posture and 'then the result of an interaction where different structures collaborates
From this brief introduction is clear, therefore, that the Posturology, the science that studies the posture, it can not' to be shared heritage of a whole series of dicipline medical and paramedical services.
nothing 'if not the attitude, the position that human beings have towards the environment in which they live. The posture is not 'just a fact "physical" but it' s also a form of communication, the relationship between man and his universo.L 'postural attitude speaks of man in the most' obvious and clear as possible. This is the 'body language, a language is not controllable by the will'. The body assumes a position that is often 'what you want, but which is' simultaneously in relation to gravity'.
posture contribute a significant number of elementicome the vestibulo-spinal and cervical spinal that through the perception of gravity 'and head position in space, activate the muscles of the spine and lower limbs. But the perception of position help eyesight, ears, proprioceptive information of the column and ligaments as well as' the stomatognathic apparatus, mandible, and the receptors and plantar skin. Posture and 'then the result of an interaction where different structures collaborates
From this brief introduction is clear, therefore, that the Posturology, the science that studies the posture, it can not' to be shared heritage of a whole series of dicipline medical and paramedical services.
Junk Food - Dizziness And Shakiness
Happy 2009 to all! Did you have good holidays?? I hope so!
Well, the activities in the study share the great Gymnasium, after the Christmas break, tomorrow, Wednesday, January 7th!
Do not miss this valuable service offered by the studio to start a good new year and do a complete check-up!
Un abbraccio a tutti voi!
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