Friday, November 6, 2009

What Is A Death Rattle

remove Comments on the Crucifix

I always remember a phrase my grandfather, the renowned master Luigi Franco Aeneid translator and educator of many generations of Vittoria, "If it were not for religion to be invented." Today, the gurus
media are filled his mouth instead of "secularism".
But let us not go to the usual complaints against foreigners, against Europe, against those who regularly and for decades, continue to rule in our house and tell us what gotta do, to be welcome or to enter the usual rounds of the powerful and the economy.
We have been in Europe for years were not anything, from this year made politically non-existent entity ( but united by a corrupt mentality left) tries to put on his knees to escape the pizza and champagne, especially rods when we can do better than others, and we had the best workers that workers in the world, the best school in the world, the world's largest automotive tradition, the largest cultural traditions of the world's largest religious tradition in the world, we destroyed everything to "bend to bottom! And now here we are, for the few dollars that come back from Europe, with shit up to the eyes but yet still supine and prone to accept whatever propinino us or force us to suffer even against our faith.
But is not the fault of Strasbourg, the Germans or the French or the Swiss or Finns or Muslims ...: the fault is ours alone.
do not know the national anthem but shed words on the dialects to be saved, we are not united but the usual jumble of opportunists and cowards, easy betrayal, with only the money I think, admire our creativity but we consider unreliable.
And we leave all control to our house because we need all even for the things easier, because we have become so lazy to delegate others to do what we must, because we despise the hard work and appreciate the culture of drug mafia money and wear at all costs, because we have not provided any value to young people seeking reduced entertainment, or worse, the buzz, as the only meaning of life, selfish and envious we have lost the sense of Community and Social aid among people who had made us grow, but above all we have become so stupid that we are not sure whether do not copy from someone who knows less than us, if we are not making the same mistakes that others have done before us, if we do not try or do not blame any form of mental and sexual perversion always looking for a personality now lost.
We have given up a national identity, our self-determination, defense of our values \u200b\u200band traditions, the sense of family and life itself to not feel isolated and out of fashion, and here we are, despite (in my opinion because ) all these unfortunate choices opportunistic, to fight for daily bread the workplace and retirement, the lack of a future for our children, for our own safety: unable to look back and adjustments. In this progressive breakdown
-capitalist even the Catholic Church, or rather a part of the Church, it was immersed: Too many priests are unbelievers lazy bureaucrats who do not know the parish, too many high priests were guilty of serious sexual perversion, too many economists have interpreted their role as clergy bank that would be easy to over-pure understatement. When I attended a design competition for the chapel of a hospital leave me very puzzled the "concern" that neither the church nor chapel churchyard were internally or externally bring clear Christian symbols .... In order to promote the concentration of each patient beyond his religion, a prophetic concern ... these days, which would also save on the presence of the priests, the now rare on icons and images, but without releasing the tapes, however, for alms, not in line with the other hand, carried out by Benedict XVI, Pope Ratzinger, innovative defender of Christian values.
And while these tears occur, the imam of Padua, mind far more intelligent and smart, said yesterday that it is contrary to remove the crucifix and the crucifix is \u200b\u200ba symbol of shared tradition ( perhaps not much in agreement with many of his countrymen ... ) giving us a lesson in dignity.
now I no longer believe in our resource mix with the dark forces want to prevent the judiciary. But who knows if any new or irredentist nationalism is emerging or growing to prepare to restore honor and dignity to this poor Italy. I hope so even if I do not think we hit rock bottom and who knows how long we will live always darkest moments.


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