Saturday, February 12, 2011

1st Death Anniversary Invitation.


giallozozzi we have praised the Pure, in the end I did not enchant gara.Ma . Or rather, we have always proved to be their superiors in recent years: the only difference is that at other times from Naples-Rome last half of the season we became more powerful than their twelfth man on the fact that Mo campo.Il Ranieri members and we make about this makes me even more gorgeous vittoria.Cioè, brothers, is since we came back to this shit that we are giallozozze casa.Ci have tried to steal in the last year, with a tie uscendosene immeritato.Ci have tried this year, prendendole.Ci have managed the past few years (and there Naples-Rome without a referee scandal.) Now they come to say that we are strong as they have not played by Roma.Non never admit that they are like the rubentus of these championships without referees would be classifica.E media 'was a shit game by both teams seemed to vicenda.Almeno feared at first. Then they started to get our confidence and trust, after the first ten minutes, and giallozozzi have seen fit to straighten the game as I am accustomed . That is, menarla to fight trying to influence the referee in their favore.Ed we have succeeded in part, as the race director started to bring out yellow cards only for nostri.Per charity, the regulation says that there were tutti.Peccato there were also a caution for the Riomma.Però giallozozzi am start flocking to ten minutes to go when the referee felt that they would not recover with the help of the partita.Manco pateterno.Vi say, bloggers I would not have expected a penalty in our favor if they fired stasera.Neanche Cavani in area rigore.Invece dato.Fino we have at the end of the game I've been convinced that a penalty was given, thinking that he had Marekiaro autosgambettato. E I was happy because I thought, "it is time for this crap understand what it means to be robbed in his own house." Then, fortunately, the penalty was sacrosanto.Dobbiam always be superior to the usual teams raccomandate.Però, there is always a But I wanted to win one to zero with a penalty Arrubia to understand some supporters, convinced that the healthy part of football, what you are trying to fill a stadium and then go back with empty-handed without having forfeited, even after being derubati.Così stato.Pazienza.Li we were not playing badly and ridiculed concretizzando.E here is a bit 'my gripe: if we had played as against merdazzurri Cup in Italy, we would have him balls sei.Direte you delivered, "but you're never happy?". I got it, "the cocks: the second goal was created by a cross Cannaguaio sent over the network from a shin Cavani giallozozzi between two defenders." The the maximum sneer, quindi.Se until yesterday I did not sleep for the tension, I do not sleep last night for the IAST deserved gioia.Quindi not miss the few who has made a goal mogul: 1) is not in the form of a pair of games this part and it shows, and 2) there was no damage (otherwise, with all the good that I want, I would have crucified). We've taken what we deserved late guilty, not ours, after eighteen years. All in deriding the Romans, who are both mò sports, my dear bloggers: it would be too easy for him to spend four championships as a thief, so we must acknowledge così.Devono godere.Scusate the post a little 'rambling: son ubriaco.E how it will end will end this season, I just have clipped the wings of the presumptuous without merit alcuno.Come negammo when the Champions League two years to Milerda fa.Se not have what I hope will be to "blame" nostra.SIEMPRE FORCE NAPOLI!


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