Thursday, February 11, 2010

Writing Wedding Cards Funny

Being Mother

How many times have I asked myself: being a mother? who knows what it means ..... who knows if they are really capable ...... that I have a thousand faults and limitations, which I defend my sacred space, I love to read a book, write, watch TV in silence, go to cinema and dance ....... I? ........ but I gave birth to my baby home, I follow them constantly monitor their time, their health, ...... From a distance, 24/24 hour ........ I? I chose to be Mother always ..... ...... ........ with my flaws, but what I see? there ... right there ........ this is my way, my way ........ I choose homeschooling with all the pros and cons ....... in my heart a a mission ..... to hear the results ?....... ......... I see them, are under my eyes: my children are ready to take flight, depending on their ability : swimming with the group, with educational workshops, with their gardens to play ....... are quiet, they know they are there.
I think the times we live in and I see a loss of what is being mother: for me it's complete dedication, time spent with their physical and concrete, are tempera paints, watercolors, fairy tales and fables, the wind park and the land in the mountains, sea and sand is the source water ....... sacrifices? no, not one ........ my life is a royal dignity, I shall not want, the table is full and I understand the value of food, its energy.
I discovered my talent, my talent, I enjoy my intelligence and my feelings.
gift of rhythm to my children, I try to follow their nature and this is my mission.
culture, knowledge from their own rhythms and this is what I want to leave the world a woman who understood the value of the rhythm of the steps and teach my children ....... counter? everything that interests me is not esserlo con me stessa!
Dare un'impronta......essere Madri!
Scelta difficile, ma unica Via per ridare al tutto un giusto valore.


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