Friday, October 16, 2009

How To Arrange Tissue Paper


experience, made as member of the Building Committee of the Environmental Cison Valmarino, with the likes Att. MD Bottari and architect. L. Bottan to follow all the work of restoration was Castelbrando training, then Tarzo during the commissioner of the City and then with the new administration of Mayor Bof course, he confirmed that a member of the Environmental Commission requesting an illuminated so that went to meet the public, taught me many things. It is my profound conviction that the Building Commission should not become a means to promote the powerful and harass colleagues or even less as a weapon against citizens but, rather, must function as a flexible tool designed to help all citizens, respecting the environment, to achieve their legitimate needs. The work, for example, the City of Valdobbiadene, it does not say no to the ceiling, like many municipalities, but allows the construction of the attic that are happy people and bring money, as costs, into the coffers of the City, shows that intelligence and political and administrative willingness they will agree Public Administration and citizens.
have been baffled by some of the speeches made at the conference on Regional Housing Plan by the lawyer. Bruno Barel, such as to exclaim to some participants: " but the Communists have returned to Victor? "observations, deductions and risks of megavolumetrie he feared impending clash, in my opinion, against the reality of things in the centers of the Veneto province: in our area increase of 20% of the volume will be resolved for the most part in increasing volume equal to a room ( many large companies are failing these days? ), and all these fears are a photocopy of the center of the allegations, the opposition made to the Regional Government.
course new problems will arise, for example, in drafting the Act 10 and ex 46, achieved in the new room extension can be connected to the heating of the house, maybe have an old oil boiler: In this case you will draw up the design for one room or the entire system (with all issues related )? And many others like it will be solved with openness and common sense (a very rare commodity ).
to a question the public rhetoric apparently considered the obvious answer, when asked if he would be happy to Vittorio Veneto, to see implementation of a new volume with increases of up to 40% of the volume of Italcementi I, as a architect, creative with a great sense of ethics that does not limit the prejudices, but I think I can answer: 1 - if such a structure, and relative increase in volume, were given away to the usual to make known the answer would obviously be speculative apartments no ( but here nothing to do with the housing plan, rather we should ask to account those who govern and control the city ) 2 - but if any public or private institution would make a new, real, social structure or tourism for the City would be idiots not to support this initiative. Each rule can be used for the worse or for better (the famous free will ...) but the prejudices limited understanding and solving problems.
We see, then, for a time from a positive concept that the House plan is designed to move the economy and work as a method of recovery of such speculative, outdated, and to encourage the use of energy recovery technologies, without however blindfold in front of the superficiality and inconsistency typical of emergency plans and, alas, the contemporary lawmaking ... Let's take it as an opportunity, together with all 'use of renewable energy to reshape the architectural image of our City ( in what I agree with the lawyer ) and distributed by the classic study in humility to create new models by the method of small steps and not continuing revolution: the Porsche, was born in the 50s, has been in a time of continuous technical and stylistic not continuous revolutions.
the 70 in our country is instead swept the model ( left) of the revolution at any cost. In school, at work, in Social Justice in the watchword was always "continuous testing", without ever stopping to make a budget, to see if the methods used have achieved the desired results then in power to become , in every field, the most severe deniers, and the results are there for all to see: a school to ensure that rates tailored to remove more limited interest to most talented, continues to churn out ignorant, even if it produces more and more unemployed people with degree, resulting in results have led to the Italians, clerical deserting the great resource of manual labor, especially in construction and furniture, which had made us great in the world, working in almost equalization of wages of the young apprentice with the team leader, with decades of experience, they destroyed the mechanisms of learning the job and the correct hierarchy in society the satisfaction of the ego has destroyed any possibility of aggregation: family first, then faith and social behaviors are paying the irreparable consequences ; in justice and the doing good left free to commit crimes continues to leave legions of repeat offenders. In building the model of the "container "So the 70 are called the building blocks of new city built with the sole function of containing the people, as this was a lot to put in some things and not a collection of individuals with individual needs and equal rights, has destroyed the classic sense of urbanism born in our country when other people were still living a semi-nomadic life.
Another serious problem is the mass of continuous innovation in building materials, which are often chosen for convenience or cost fashion, it was not possible to test them adequately in time, all duly certified as sustainable and, above all, bioecocompatibili: remember that the house , especially with i prezzi odierni, costa enormi sacrifici di una vita e dovrebbe essere fatta per durare almeno una vita, specie se pensiamo che gran parte della popolazione vive in case che di generazioni ne hanno vissute tante! E che l’Ambiente va salvaguardato. Attenzione dunque, poiché oggi si deve rimuovere l’Eternit, causa di tante crudeli morti!
Siamo chiamati ad una scelta su case di durata limitata o case rinnovabili nel tempo da lasciare ai figli: vista la nostra tendenza a copiare il sistema americano consumistico ed il Mercato che la fa da padrone, si fanno già case che non durano al prezzo di case durature; l’introduzione di nuove metodologie, per il risparmio energetico e della sicurezza antisismica, faranno ulteriormente fluttuare il prezzo; il tema merita quindi un grande momento di riflessione collettiva ma in particolare di chi imprende, pena la sua rapida scomparsa.
Per quanto riguarda il libretto della casa, tanto strombazzato come certificato di qualità, non dimentichiamo che i libretti delle auto e quelli delle medicine, entrambi da sempre esistenti, non dicono tutta la verità, infatti le auto consumano molto di più di quanto le Case automobilistiche dichiarano e le medicine non ottengono i risultati che promettono, quando almeno non creano gravi danni; ma certo visto che il cosiddetto consumatore informato è stato ormai predisposto ( di persone che sappiano muovere le mani ce ne sono ormai ben poche, la maggioranza è stata resa non in grado di comprendere diversity alone, and then trust what they say the programs, sponsorship, TV ) to claim the book of the house, it certainly will arrive also to create new confusion, attesting perhaps as good old speculators most advanced manufacturers in the field of advertising, thrown in the trash and small businesses that historical, less conscious of the importance of the current marcheting, have made their only building quality standards. But are not these "geniuses" of the hard marcheting those responsible for the failures of over 94 banks in ten months of 2009 in the U.S.? And 'a must here also a deep reflection.
And if we also put a rant of aesthetic qualities architecture ( lawyer, at least let him do the architects ... ) dreamed of a territory of model homes to Wright, and blaming the designers of the overall low level, even if some part of truth in what is, we can not forget some key points: In the flood-regulatory, B - the "quality" of the client, C - the power of the market, D - the effectiveness of the public control, and - the quality of the designers. For regulatory flood
A-I mean a mass introductions of laws, and misdeeds are often in conflict, which every day come through the Internet to make life impossible for designers and offices control, with the only result of increased project costs, fatigue, practice and travel to the irresponsibility of public officials, a recent example: fence of wooden posts and wire a house in the hills, 12 cm thick folder. , local practice, practice environmental goods, the mountain community practice, practice forester; total time allowed for the 9 months, 4 days time to implement. work, and not to mention the cost ... In this chaos, the designer finds himself caring more formal and bureaucratic aspects of the rightful demands of beautiful and functional, that is the beautiful and good, as defined by the ancient Greeks ( Kalos kai Agathos ).
B - The fruits of industrial society and business will find themselves faced with the tastes of the nouveaux riches: there is no room in the home libraries to be replaced by the mega-screen TV ( megastronzate to sip, soap operas and subliminal orders of the economic and political ), the house and the car must be big and luxurious (like Dallas) or minimalist or retro, since the architecture of today, immersed in the current general decline of the customs and culture, rarely knows and can live and condition and its Our Time.
C - All the rhetoric about the quality then, in practice, clash with the interests of economic operators building, how can we hope as long as the city remains captive ignorant of entrepreneurs, who are used to operate in almost a monopoly, to build projects on a "copy and paste" without building and architectural quality but with very different levels of revenue, whose sole interest is a profit to the more unimaginable?
D - The public scrutiny is expressed too often practices in fatigue, the "power of the bureaucracy" when it submits itself to the powers that be, political or economic, or even worse when it does not become armed robbery of a political party against ' Directors in office, or when it is essentially denial. Waiting times have dramatically decrease (eg Vittorio Veneto urban variants 8 and 9, in the finishing straight, were started in 2002, adopted in 2004 and waited until now, the regional results, with the result that the building areas that are now available, thanks to the crisis, can not find buyers at the time) and the result is plain for everyone to no end delays, certification, sworn, mountains of papers, but it is very rare to find the architectural quality in the area: Another important theme for reflection, bureaucratic fatigue Italy is in fact killing the system ( in Germany to participate in a tender is compiled an A4 with a few crosses in Canada ... the practices they are very quick and simple, sure who makes the smart go to jail )
E - the quality of projects affected by the deterioration of education, culture, social world, in a society that has decided not to select the best, political affiliation and friendship with powerful choices are almost mandatory for profit, given that the objective is trumpeted as a right and left but, in fact, the only thing sought after today's money, with only rare exceptions research artistic models of cultural, technological and functional gives way to the usual "educated" and empty conventions, where most part to be present and the few interested in the subject if they return home regularly demotivated. Claiming that the
then informs his client DL (Decree 380 ) for abuse is irrational, implausible, and demonstrates the waiver of the State to perform its duties and, simultaneously, will be able to count, however, on a scapegoat on which you can dump the harsh hand of the law ... and the inevitable fines.
Thus, a lawyer, please do not throw stones against the designers only, otherwise rimbeccare could blame the lawyers of quality, time and outcomes of processes, and shout to the spreaders for all criminals, large and small, and our imports, which moving too liberal for all the beloved national soil ( with this remark I finished bring up my dear classmate ).
Returning to the general theme at the conference to Josephine, is noteworthy, however, the effort of Town Planning of the City of Vittorio Veneto to prepare the forms of so-called simplification that I believe, however, may serve to simplify the delivery to the offices but even more tiring the usual professional and I especially concerned with the final affidavit certifying that the proposed project, under a waiver of the Regional Housing Plan, prepared in accordance with zoning and building regulations, municipal: from the standpoint of criminal law, I wonder , what will happen to those projects that criminal legalization of de facto operations absolutely not provided, even in obvious contrast with the municipal urban planning tools, but in order with the housing plan? You would really appreciate a legal opinion.
From The Mayor King commented saying that there is so much confusion in the field, but with great simplicity, he sincerely asked the participants' contribution to the conference to find a line of shared action.
I hope this house plan, despite its restrictions congenital to the city centers, it is an occasion, one step in the objective of recovery of city centers and the arrangement of the zones A, not an additional problem: if you really want to put in start the recovery of vital city centers should bring us people, jobs and commerce, life is not just museums, and in order to achieve this objective, the regulatory and bureaucratic ties with courage and vision must be mitigated, not increasing as it is happening, otherwise we will transform the historic centers empty monuments in need of care by continually falling costs of a bit ', I fear, too much for the community.
I believe that even if times are tight, it should be a select committee appointed by the Mayor also supported by representatives of the self-employed citizens.
Thank you for your attention, patience and hope to have made some modest contribution, I extend my best regards. Dr. Flavio FRANCO Arch