2009 8 26 Meeting of August 25, 2009
interesting is the learned and profound speech at the conference yesterday on the sanctity of August 25, father of Octavius De Bertolis, professor at the Gregorian in Rome, aims to "explain the Pope" a long and engaging flow of ideas, phrases and words of the highest level, fully grasped in its multiple facets and culturally significant only for mature audiences.
The Pivot the conference, which is related to the intervention of Bishop Mgr. Pizziolo that perfect speech understood by all, has given its targeted apporto alla trattazione di un argomento assai difficile anche per gli aspetti teologico-dottrinali.
Peccato che una certa sinistra non abbia saputo resistere alla solita presunzione di volersi sempre attestare come esclusivo detentore e difensore della cultura invitando ad un convegno per “specialisti” il sindaco di Venezia Cacciari che, prima di esser filosofo è stato uomo dell’ultra sinistra ed è il politico che gestisce Venezia.
Il Veneziano Cacciari, cui nessuno disconosce intelligenza e cultura, ha navigato in acque fluide con reminescenze e citazioni sul sacro, da cui traspariva la sua mancanza di Fede che egli stesso in vari interventi pubblici onestamente ebbe a dichiarare, senza dare un contributo originale.
Ma apart from a few outside observers and a few exceptions, the good people of the mouth of the Left, however, appreciated and applauded dutifully. Bishop
Pizziolo pastor of his civil and religious community, it has perfectly fulfilled the task of proceeding with guest affability and assonance with its mission and the motto on his coat of arms "omnia propter Evangelium". A note
really out of tune but I have learned (if I heard correctly) when Father De Bertolis said the Vltava (the river that flows in Prague) rather than now with the "system liberalconsumista" gave the best performance during the period of 'Communist occupation: unbridled capitalism and communism are two sides of the same heel that crushes freedom men and, most importantly the Communist invasion and occupation has made the 68 dead prisoners, detention and deportation for life, not to mention the typical cultural oppression of communism, then I do not think that these facts may have to modify the 'aspect of the Vltava river may have much less the better!
In the end, considering the simplicity of St. Francis, Padre Pio, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, of all the saints, their love and sacrifice for others, to the grace of God that made them saints, one wonders how many of those who were present at the "drawing room" yesterday, in some dialectical treatment substantially comparable to diatribes Medieval theologians, have not even remotely understood the meaning of holiness.