Friday, January 16, 2009

External Speakers 32 Lg Lcd Tv

The Hippocratic Oath

Classic Text:
"I swear by Apollo and Asclepius and Hygieia and medical Panacea and all the gods and goddesses all, calling witnesses, who will perform in accordance with the forces and I believe this oath and this written commitment: to estimate my master of this art as my father and live with him and help him if he needs and will consider her children as brothers and teach this art if they want to learn, to make participants of precepts and oral teachings and doctrine of each other my children and my children's teacher and the students bound by a contract and be bound by the oath of a physician, but no one else. regulate the content life for the good of the sick according to my strength and my opinion, I will not harm and offense. Do not administer to anyone, even if required, a deadly drug, nor suggest such counsel, similarly to any woman I will give an abortifacient drug. With innocence and purity I will guard my life and my art. Did not draw those who suffer harm stone, but I will turn to those who are experts in this activity. In every house I go, I will come to the relief of the sick, and I shall refrain from offensive and malicious damage, and by the way any action by corrupting the bodies of women and men, free and slave. What I may see or hear during my year or year out on the lives of men, I shall conceal what you do not need to be disclosed, feeling like a secret like. And to me, then, to fulfill an oath and does not trample, be allowed to enjoy life and art, honored of all men for ever happen to me if the other violates it and if perjury. "
current text:
"Aware of the importance and solemnity of the Act do, and that he is committed, I swear to practice medicine in freedom and independence of mind and behavior, for the sole purpose of pursuing defense of life, protection of physical and mental health and the relief of human suffering, which will inspire continued commitment and responsibility with scientific, cultural and social, all my professional action; not to commit acts likely to never intentionally cause the death of a patient to stick to ethical principles in my business of human solidarity, against which, in respect of life and the person will never use my knowledge, use of my work with diligence, skill and prudence in good faith and observing the rules of ethics governing the practice of medicine and and legal persons that are not in conflict with the goals of my profession, my reputation to rely solely on my professional skills and to My moral qualities, to avoid, even outside the exercise professional conduct and any act prejudicial to the prestige and dignity of the profession to meet colleagues in case of conflict of opinions, to treat all my patients with equal care and commitment regardless of the feelings they inspire me and without any distinction of race, religion, nationality, social status and political ideology, to provide emergency care to any patient who needs it and put in the case of public calamity , to the competent authority, to respect and facilitate in every case the patient's right to free choice of doctor given that the relationship between doctor and paziente è fondato sulla fiducia e in ogni caso sul reciproco rispetto; di osservare il segreto su tutto ciò che mi è confidato, che vedo o che ho veduto, inteso o intuito nell'esercizio della mia professione o in ragione del mio stato".

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How Much Is A Gold Plated Desert Eagle?


L’uomo è l’unico tra gli animali ad avere abbandonato la posizione a quattro zampe per portarsi eretto sui due piedi. La sua struttura corporea è, nel complesso, paragonabile a una stella a cinque punte: al tronco, composto di bacino, torace e spalle, sono connessi, come appendici, in alto il capo e le due braccia, in basso, le due gambe. Che cosa comporta per l'uomo una struttura body so unique? Firstly the constant quest for equilibrium, a necessary condition for the conduct of any business, be it static and dynamic.
should be quick to point out that the organization is body balance is a purely automatic depending on the severity. The human body, in fact, like all bodies in the earth's gravitational field, is subjected to the effect of weight or gravity, that attracts her to the center of the earth and tends to drop it if other forces do not oppose to it. To more accurately be said that the human body, being formed of multiple segments articulated to each other, is subjected to multiple forces, the result of these various forces of gravity has an application point on the body, called the center of gravity or center of gravity, which varies with the change of positions. It is in the upright position on the plane of the body, before the third vertebra to the level of its upper edge. Mechanical equilibrium position is defined, one in which a vertical line from the center of gravity falls within the polygon of support or base.
is clear that the animals that walk on four legs have no difficulty in maintaining the balance of the extent of their support base. In man standing can be considered as an achievement, attuatasi during the evolution of species. It si è via via sostituita alla stabilità dei quattro appoggi, che obbliga piedi e mani a svolgere una funzione di sostegno, mentre il capo, parallelo al suolo, non può che guardare verso terra.
L'ascesa verso l'alto e il raggiungimento della posizione eretta ha permesso di liberare le mani, divenute così disponibili per altre funzioni, e il capo, come un periscopio, diviene libero di guardare verso terra, verso il cielo e lungo tutto l'arco del suo orizzonte. La posizione eretta nell'uomo deve essere considerata come una pietra miliare faticosamente raggiunta, sia da un punto di vista filogenetico (evoluzione della specie) che ontogenetico (evoluzione e sviluppo del singolo individuo).
Lapierre a questo proposito osserva: "This balance of supervision and availability also expresses the psychological behavior of the subject: self-confidence, balance, openness to the outside world, openness to the action."
We mentioned earlier that the organization is body balance is a purely automatic in response to the stimulus consists of the weight on the proprioceptive receptors (plantar cenesthetic, labyrinthine and visual), are put in place the reflexes of balance, which lead to an adjustment as final result of the degree of tension in antigravity muscles, just enough to balance gravity. This adjustment
neuromotrice postural tone is implemented in a completely unconscious; standing and all it involves is organized, in fact, a section of the nervous system located below the motor cortex and only a small part of the complex work is done on a conscious level.
You become aware of the antigravity muscles only when the voluntary change of their business is done with clear consciousness. "You're right" you say to kids, or: "Straighten your back, lower back, do not tilt his head, pretending to achieve this with a lasting change in their position and the miraculous removal of compensation that have been introduced gradually and without no awareness by the subject in order to keep the body in balance. The attitude of the human postural usual solution is the staff that he has found to stay in balance in both static and dynamic conditions, it is closely related to the structure of its body schema and implies a high capacity for coordination of sensory reflexes motori.Cerchiamo-hours to understand what is the optimal balance to which we must strive. It is common observation that all men be they children, adults or the elderly, although they are morphologically different, still manage to stay in balance, standing, walking or running. Everyone makes their own way of balancing global, maintaining the necessary and sufficient condition which is to succeed, however, to drop a vertical line from the center of gravity in the cradle. What varies greatly in different cases is the relationship between various segments of the body between them and the greater or lesser amount of energy used to maintain balance.
Among the many possible ways to stay in balance we should strive towards that which requires little muscular effort, based on minor adjustments of postural tone in response to the continuous changes of stimulation that propiocettori suffer following the relocation of the various segments of the body.
Only if the balance is maintained with minimal muscular work and a high capacità di coordinazione neuromotoria del tono posturale si può parlare di equilibrio ottimale, perché solo in questo caso i muscoli possono essere disponibili all'azione; il movimento è pertanto libero di esprimersi in ogni direzione, in ogni momento.
L'equilibrio che si può definire "normale" è per ogni individuo quello vicino alla stabilità meccanica. Questo tipo di equilibrio è caratterizzato da due importanti condizioni:
è economico sul piano meccanico, perché non richiede un impegno muscolare importante; basta, infatti, uno sforzo molto piccolo per essere mantenuto e ristabilito;
è impegnativo sul piano neurologico in quanto richiede una grande capacità di risposta dei recettori proprioceptive stimuli of duration and intensity, even very small, so it absolutely clear to modulate the tone of the muscles that oppose gravity.
From what we have said that education comes the balance and the achievement of a correct position, both static and dynamic, is connected primarily with the education of the neuro-motor sensations, urged by the force of gravity (sensations evoked by the force of gravity are: the muscle strain, ligament tension, the feeling of flexion and extension of joints and also feelings of plantar pressure, visual sensations, feelings of imbalance due to the displacement of the otoliths, that receptors of the inner ear), and secondly, with the psychomotor education, involving the conscious appreciation of the perceptions coenesthetic.
The latter is necessary to correct any anomaly attitude. It is widely known that only an education can lead to the perception of the cortical nerve centers to exert a corrective influence on the links of automatic sensory-motor peripheral nerve centers. "

L "Vitruvian Man", extraordinary example of human movement of Leonardo da Vinci , continues to effectively represent the concept of posture. Posture and 'a discovery of long standing. Has exactly the age 'of man, but much more' recent 'the science that studies it: The Posturology. The Posture and
nothing 'if not the attitude, the position that human beings have towards the environment in which they live. The posture is not 'just a fact "physical" but it' s also a form of communication, the relationship between man and his universo.L 'postural attitude speaks of man in the most' obvious and clear as possible. This is the 'body language, a language is not controllable by the will'. The body assumes a position that is often 'what you want, but which is' simultaneously in relation to gravity'.
posture contribute a significant number of elementicome the vestibulo-spinal and cervical spinal that through the perception of gravity 'and head position in space, activate the muscles of the spine and lower limbs. But the perception of position help eyesight, ears, proprioceptive information of the column and ligaments as well as' the stomatognathic apparatus, mandible, and the receptors and plantar skin. Posture and 'then the result of an interaction where different structures collaborates
From this brief introduction is clear, therefore, that the Posturology, the science that studies the posture, it can not' to be shared heritage of a whole series of dicipline medical and paramedical services.

Junk Food - Dizziness And Shakiness


Happy 2009 to all! Did you have good holidays?? I hope so!
Well, the activities in the study share the great Gymnasium, after the Christmas break, tomorrow, Wednesday, January 7th!
Do not miss this valuable service offered by the studio to start a good new year and do a complete check-up!

Un abbraccio a tutti voi!